( 01. ) Joseph

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"Can you believe it? The man's gone mad!"

Joseph's ear picked up a small piece of an altercation between two elders talking in the shade of a tall tree. It was common for the inhabitants of Nazareth to gather under this tree and exchange bits of knowledge and gossip among their friends; usually, these conversations proved to be boring for Joseph, who labored not too far, but this instance was especially different. Slowing down his hammering as to not create too much noise, the young carpenter carefully listened into the two older men's chatter.

"But it cannot be!" One exclaimed in bewilderment. "I know for a fact that he is one of the most righteous priests in the Abijah division."

The other shook his head with a ludicrous expression stretching his wrinkled features. "Zechariah must have angered the Lord in order to be punished so severely."

"There is no possible way a holy man could deceive the God of David himself so badly to have his voice revoked from his throat," his friend stroked his lengthy, silver-streaked beard.

This revelation astonished Joseph; Zechariah, a man who upheld God's will and lived solely by His Word, had had his speech taken from him by the same God he'd shown so much devotion towards. Of course, this news affected him more personally as the priest was closely related to his betrothed; the young girl for whom he was building a home. He knew that he should tell of this to her family.

Joseph disposed of his tools and turned his attention at the lunch his mother had prepared for him in a simply weaved basket. A generous woman, his beloved eema took care of him and his siblings with such tenderness and maternal compassion that could rival that of a lioness and her lion cub. She perfectly balanced her husband, a hard-working man who taught Joseph everything about the carpenter business and how to be a God-fearing person.

Taking a piece of bread out, he took the time to examine his progress; the foundation was as solid as rock and he'd just finished two out of four walls. Joseph could just imagine how his house would look; a bit smaller than your average household, but exuding this warm force that would put visiters at ease. Plus, he and his wife would surely have children and they would become the apple of their eyes, special gifts sent by the Lord to bring up, teach and cherish together.

Glancing back at the famous tree of the town, the carpenter perceived that the two elders had concluded their discussion and were nowhere to be seen. This created a little pit of worry inside Joseph's stomach; if these rumors were true, should he not warn his soon-to-be bride's family? And if they were false? Would his future in-laws accuse him of false prophecy?

One thing was certain: his reputation had to be preserved.


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