( 12. ) Mary

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The sky was painted in a vivacious bright shade of red as the sun slowly descended to concede its place to the moon. In the streets, there loomed a curious mix of awe and disbelief as a modest wedding procession paved its way; the final destination being the groom's newly-built house. Although a happy occasion like marriage was widely celebrated, there remained a aura of doom upon the lucky couple, more specifically the bride.

Under her magenta bridal veil and intricately-woven nuptial gown, Mary felt the searing pain of all those who gazed upon her in judgment. She knew what they harbored in their thoughts; that she shouldn't even be alive, that Joseph could have avoided to be burdened by her filthy ways, that this union could never be blessed by God. Yet, the young girl smiled radiantly under the thick piece of fabric that shielded her made-up face. Almost unconsciously, her hands crept on her swollen belly, which had been carefully hidden under wraps to deflect the attention from her mid-section and highlight her overall attire. God was with them and His Will was going to be done, with or without their approval.

On the right stood her father, holding his daughter's hand with his forehead creased in resignation. It was only natural for him to worry, as Joachim would have preferred for Mary to be married in a more ideal situation. Nevertheless, after long discussions with her promised one and his family, all he could do was to be grateful to the Lord that the union had not been broken. Nothing had been more pleasing than to gift his daughter of her mohar in its entirety, but now he had to hold back his tears as he was giving her away.

Stopping at the house's threshold, Mary kissed her father goodbye as she entered her new home, parting the silvery garlands that decorated the entrance. There, waiting for her with watery eyes was the man she could finally call husband. Joseph was dressed in a long blue-dyed robe lined with a delicate embroidery no doubt made by his mother. Noticing his lack of footwear, Mary immediately stepped out of her sandals as a way to express her comfort in their home. Barely finishing this maneuver, her spouse wasted no time in pulling her into a kind embrace and lifting her veil.

As they stared into their dark irises, their problems seemed to melt away in that very moment. A warm feeling of peace and calamity washed over the pair as they silently admired one another; it was like God himself was blessing their marriage right this instant. Then, without any warning, Joseph's lips met Mary's with a heart-wrenching care, sending shockwaves through her whole body. They had agreed that no relations would become of them until the child was to be born, but that new scale of intimacy was still felt by both of them.

In a way, that one kiss fulfilled more than any other bodily consummation could have.


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