( 08. ) Mary

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Tears burned the corner of Mary's eyes as she relentlessly fought her longing to cry. No matter how many times she repeated to herself that God's plan must come first, she couldn't control her family's response and it nearly destroyed her. They now sought to hide her in the house until her final verdict was to be delivered by the rabbi and wise men of the town; lapidation. She was perceived as a stain on her family's holy image, an unfaithful whore having slept with another man than her promised one.

Ironically, Mary had always anticipated pregnancy and couldn't wait to start a family of her own. This, everybody had wanted too, for they saw her as a worthy wife for Joseph. Yet now, everything had flipped upside down; she was talked about like an animal, spat on like dirt and hidden away like a shameful bastard. Cradling her four-month-old belly, Mary closed her eyes and sighed. Whatever they might think of her now, nobody knew of the blessing she'd been given; the promises that God had made to her and the ones she made to Him.

Steadfast prayer and spiritual introspection now took up most of her time as she couldn't leave her home. She did almost everything alone, but thankfully her youngest sister had taken pity of her and devoted her late nights to keeping company to Mary. Aged just eight years old, Miriam had the soul of someone much more older. Only she was able to sympathize with her outcast sibling.

Even when everything seemed lost, there was still hope.


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