F*cking Voldemort

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Harry's POV

Three days later, Hermione still won't talk to me.

Once you don't have a Hermione, you realize how much you were talking her for granted. For instance, without her helping Ron and I for potions homework, we almost failed the assignment due to our lack of skill. While walking through the halls, it always feels like there's something missing. I mean, I guess there is, but having just the two of us makes us feel incomplete. We're the 'golden trio', and now there's only two of us.

I didn't even do anything wrong! I heard that the school went on lock down, and I was on my way back from the library to check out a book, so I went into the boy's restrooms. There, I heard someone else, so I called out. It turned out to be Draco Malfoy.

Then, I thought I would tease him. You know, to get back at him? So I asked him if he was hiding in the stall. When he doesn't answer, I open the door, hoping to catch him taking a dump, or something. Instead, I find him curled into a ball, his back against the wall of the stall. Then I see them. Large, white fangs poke out of Malfoy's mouth.

Like any rational person, I left to go get a professor. Malfoy attacked a third year! I knew he was bad, but I never thought that he would stoop so low! The first professors that I found were McGonagall and Umbridge arguing, as well as Hermione and Ron trying to pitch in. When I told them that I found the vampire, and that it was Malfoy, they followed me to the stall. Thankfully, he was still there, so Umbridge and McGonagall whisked him off to the Hospital Wing.

I haven't seen Malfoy around the school since that day. I can only hope that he was expelled, and sent back to his dear daddy, crying over the fact that he was found out. Hermione, however, seemed to have a different opinion. She won't talk to me, or even look me in the eye. Once, I even found her talking to Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini, Malfoy's friends.

"Harry?" Ron calls. "We're going to be late for Defense Against the Dark Arts, and we don't want to get detention again."

I nod, agreeing with him, "Yeah, we should get going."

As we arrive for class, we sit down next to each other. When Hermione enters the room, she walks briskly past us like we aren't even here.

"Good afternoon class!" Umbit-bridge says in an extra enthusiastic voice.

"Good afternoon Professor Umbridge." The class chants back.

"Now, as you all know, school went into lock down a few days ago due to a vampire attack," Umbridge says happily, "Thankfully, the culprit was found. Mr. Potter! Why don't you tell everyone who it was who attacked a poor, defenseless third year?

My head snaps up, and I feel everyone's eyes on me. "It was Malfoy."

As soon as the words escape my mouth, the whole class erupts. Gasps and whispering, and quite a few angry faces. Hermione, I note, does not join in with the commotion. Instead, she clenches her jaw, and says nothing, glaring at me.

"Why, yes," Umbridge begins again, gleefully, "Mr. Malfoy is, indeed, a vampire. As we all know, as we have studied them for the last few weeks due to my suspicions, vampires are dangerous, monstrous creatures. However, you will not have to worry about him, I assure you."

I smirk. Yep, poor little Malfoy the vampire was sent home. He's probably back at his mansion, crying in his mommy's arms, begging for her to do something. The wimp. He was always a coward.

"Now, I am going to hand out your papers," The professor says, and begins to walk around the class, passing out sheets of parchment as she goes.

As a paper lands on my desk, I look at the mark, and gasp. An O+! I've never gotten that high in Umbridge's class, or really any class other than Lupin's! The assignment, was on vampires, of course. We were to describe what we would do if we were a vampire. Then behind me, I hear a commotion.

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