Chapter 3

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Isabella POV:

"Oh, what makes you think I need help?" Andie and Moose said together standing up.

he noticed andie's schedule upside down and turned it the right way.

I laughed a little bit.

"Trust me. I have what you need. I have the on everything. Who's dating, who's hating. And who's up. " moose said

What's up, Dan? What's up, Gator?" he greeted 2 boys.

he put his arm over our shoulders and led the way.

I don't think they knew him as they were confused on who he was and how he knew their names.


That's the music room. This is the art room where some of the greatest Baltimore artists..." moose started then andie hurriedly walked away.

I smiled at moose and said that we should probably follow andie.

We found andie talking to the same blondie that was at auditions.

"Andie! Where have you been? lala and i've been looking for you." moose said but i was stuck on the nickname.

'nobody's ever called me lala' i thought to myself with a smile.

'i need to stop geeking over everything he does'

"Chase...How you doing?"moose finally acknowledged the blondie who was now known as Chase.

"Great. You guys are friends?" chase asked.

Andie lied "Yeah, we go way back."

Knowing Andie wanted to get away from him for whatever reason I had to play along.

"Yeah, right babe?" I asked moose linking our fingers.

"Good" Chase said.

"We're actually late for a little something, so..." Andie said.

"We are?" Moose said cluelessly

I squeezed his fingers hard enough for him to look at me.

"Yeah, y'know that thing outside you told us about" I said tryna get him to play along.

"Bye Chase! We're gonna go." I said before pulling Moose and Andie away from him.

"Yeah. What? That thing you told us?"

"I didn't tell you guys anything."

"Yes, you did. Remember that thing? What?"

"That thing you wanted to do?"

"What are you talking about?"

Andie and Moose went back and forth.

After we got of the sight of chase Moose said, "I can't believe you know Chase Collins. That's extremely vital information to withhold."

"Why are u so surprised?" I asked after Andie said she didn't know him.

"He's Mr. Popular. Like a legacy. His parents, like, founded this school." Moose explained to Andie and I.

"And his brother is legendary." he said pointing to dr.collins's picture.

"Dr. Collins is his brother?" Andi and I said at the same time.

"Yeah. He used to go here, then moved to London to dance with the Royal Ballet." moose started explaining.

"Oh, my God. That's him?" I said.

Uncovered |Step Up 2 Moose ff | CompletedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant