Chapter 5

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Isabella's POV:

"Moose stop!" I yelled while laughing I could just feel the eyes on me.

"This- is so- embarrassing" I choked out still giggling from the sudden tickles.

That's when Andie and Chase came up to the table.

"We need you two in our crew" Chase said.

Moose and I looked at each other in confusion.

"What crew?" I asked now turning to Andie.

"Chase and I decided to start an new crew with people at this school" i nodded in understanding.

"Ok i'm in buttt only if moose is in it" I smirked looking at moose.

"payback" I mouthed at him.

"Moosey poo what do you say" I teased Moose.

"Don't make me start tickling you again but ok i'm in" Moose threatened with a smile.

"Great let's go" Andie and Chase said before almost yanking our arms off.


I stood next to moose feeling a little uncomfortable as I didn't know anybody else in here but they all seemed cool and playful I just wonder why I haven't seen some of the before.

I learned their names when we first came in.

"You guys, listen up. Check it out. Now, I know each and  one of you  what it's like to be  to conform and  an MSA robot, right?" Chase started

"Yeah, they wanted me to cut my hair." Hair said

"Yeah, and fix my teeth." Smiles said

"I like your teeth." Jenny Kido said responding to smiles

"Thank you. I like your accent." Smiles expressed

"What kind of accent?" She seemed confused.

I laughed.

After the playful banter between a girl with a killer outfit on and a boy with long hair Chase spoke up getting everyone's attention.

"That's exactly my point. I also know that each one of you guys have really amazing talent. That this school doesn't know what to do with it. So I think it's time to do something with that talent."

"Like what?" A boy with an yellow and white shirt said.

"Like we form a crew and compete in the streets"

"No, no!"

"I heard it's dangerous."

"I don't know..." I said looking around.

"Could we really compete in the streets? We only have so much time"

"Forget about what you heard. The Streets is about the best dance crew showing off what they got." Andie gave them reassurance but nothing on my end.

"We don't stand a chance." Smiles doubted.

"What are you talking about?" Chase seemed unconvinced.

"Freddy! I've seen you do stunts in the school play. There's a reason they call you Monster"

"Like this?" Freddy said busting a move.

"That was hot."

"That's crazy."

"Kido, you went crazy at the showcase after-party last year." Chase said.

"Oh, that was fun." kido said with a large smile and she started dancing.

"Ayee go kido" I encouraged smiling.

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