2020: 1-Inspiration

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"What's that?" Adrien asked Marinette, taking a seat next to her.

Marinette smiled before sliding her sketchbook into his view.

"Some inspiration from my last trip to Gotham." she answered.

"Oh! What is it this time?" he questioned.

"Robin. He's one of the vigilantes there." Marinette responded.

"So what is it for?" the model asked.

"It's a sweater for Damian!" Marinette smiled, brightly.

"It's gonna be for Christmas?" Adrien spoke, looking over the sketch again.

"Yep!" Mari stated, happily.

"So...he wants to look like a traffic light?" Adrien questioned.

"Oh, stop!" she said, smacking his arm playfully, "It's a subtle nod to Robin."

"Yeah and that's amazing and all, but I don't think I have seen your boyfriend wear anything other then black." Adrien stated.

Marinette rolled her eyes before looking at her sketch again with a pout.

"Mari?" Adrien called .

"Maybe you're right." she whispered, "I've seen some old Christmas photo and he's usually in his suit. Even if the Kent's were wearing matching sweaters."

Marinette sighed as she closed the book and stood up.

"Marinette?" Adrien asked, standing up as well.

"I think I'm going to walk around for a bit, Adrien." Marinette stated, "Get some inspiration."

Everywhere Marinette walked, she saw lights and snow. She saw couples wearing matching mittens and earmuffs.

'Maybe I can make him some gloves? I could do leather gloves with a fur lining, maybe sherpa?' she thought, making a quick note in her sketchbook, before continuing on.

As she entered the ice rink, she saw people skating with winter themed scarves. Some were blue or red with a snowflake pattern or were as green as the tree that people laid presents under.

'Maybe a scarf? No. I gave Adrien one and he knows that.' Marinette resigned.

As she walked by the park, she saw everyone scrambling for hot chocolate. Some were even stirring it with a candy cane for added sweetness.

'Damian isn't fond of sweets either.'

She sat outside the Louvre as she continued to think about what to do. She knew her boyfriend was fond of art, especially painting. He loved animals. He minded his manners and only relaxed around her and his family.

'Maybe I should make him a suit, but that doesn't feel personal.'

Suddenly, a hot chocolate was shoved in her face, causing her to look up to see her boyfriend.

"Damian!" she cried out, quickly standing up.

"Hello, Angel." he smiled, as she hugged him tightly.

"What are you doing here?" Mari asked.

"Adrien said I might find you here. What's wrong?" Damian asked, "I know you only come here when you have artist block."

"Well...I didn't...before. I drew something up and....Adrien might have mentioned something." Marinette replied, "It's fine. He's sorta right and I don't know what to do."

"What is it?" Damian asked, handing over the sweet concoction to his girlfriend.

"I feel like a horrible girlfriend. I made something I thought you would wear, but....you never really wear bright color and I don't want to force you to wear something you might not enjoy." She admitted.

"I'll gladly wear anything you give me." Damian replied, wrapping his scarf around Marinette.

"Even one of those horrible Christmas sweaters?" Mari hinted.

Damian chuckled, "For you....I think I can survive my family's insufferable teasing."

Marinette smiled, as she took a sip of her hot chocolate.

Damian leaned over and kissed her head.

"I assume this means you're going to want my measurements?" he asked.

"Yep!" Mari expressed.

"Well, let's get you home and warmed up. Hot chocolate can only do so much." Damian commented, as he took his hand in hers.

Unfortunately for the couple, Damian had to spend Christmas in Gotham due to some business with Wayne Enterprise. Damian grabbed his present from Marinette and eagerly opened it. He knew as soon as he did, he could call her. He wasn't expecting to pull out a Robin themed Christmas sweater. Everyone in the Wayne household froze.

"Did you tell her?" asked Bruce.

"No." Damian replied, stunned.

He quickly pulled out his phone and dialed her number, hitting the video call button.

"Merry Christmas, Damian!" Mari exclaimed.

"Merry Christmas, Habibiti." Damian replied.

"Did you open your gift?" Marinette questioned.

"Just now." he answered, "It's why I was calling."

Marinette gasped in horror, "Did it not fit? Did it tear somewhere?"

"No. No. Nothing like that." the young Wayne said to calm his girlfriend, "I just wanted to know why Robin?"

"Oh, well, I saw Robin flying over rooftops the last time I was there. I know Batman is more of Gotham's symbol for hope, but seeing Robin those few times gave me hope." she replied.

Damian's cheeks warmed hearing his girlfriend's answer. He had given her hope.

"Is that okay?" she quickly asked, "Maybe I should have asked which one you preferred. Adrien mention you only wear black. Should I have made Batman instead?"

The Waynes covered the mouth, trying to contain their laughs. Damian pulled out the sweater and threw it on.

"Robin is perfectly fine, my Angel." he stated, proudly.

Marinette smiled and then put up a finger. Mari picked up the phone and placed it at a distance so he could see her room.

As she walked into view, Damian blushed again. She was wearing the exact same sweater.

"I made myself one so we can match!" she cried happily.

"You look lovely." Damian spoke, unable to say he wanted to see her more in his colors, "Merry Christmas, Habibiti."

"Merry Christmas, Damian." Marinette smiled.

Daminette DecemberWhere stories live. Discover now