Chapter 8.

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He put his hands on my cheek, his blue eyes looking all over my face. He leaned further into my body the smell of mint filled my head. His lips lightly touched my own and I moaned in my throat. I wanted him here and I wanted him now. I pushed him onto my bed and followed after him, feeling his naked skin on my own.

I could hear buzzing in the background

"What was that?" I asked him, pulling apart from our kiss.

"Kiss me," He said but the ringing wouldn't stop. He pushed his face into mine so hard that our teeth clashed. He rolled on top of me and I could feel his body against mine, pressing down on me. I could feel him against me, against my sensitive spot and I moaned.

I could still hear the ringing.

"Can't you hear that?" I asked. The buzzing wouldn't stop.

"Fuck me, please," Zac muttered against my lips.

I woke up. My heart rate was beating out of my chest. I took a few steady breaths, trying to calm my breathing and steady the rate of my heart. A light sheet of sweat covered my skin and my blankets were intertwined in my limbs. I could still taste the mint in my mouth and the feeling of his body against my own, and the throbbing between my legs made me ever more aware of his presence in my dream.

My phone next to me buzzed and I chuckled into my pillow. I reached for my phone and instantly regretted it when I did.

3 missed calls from Aidan

2 missed calls from Adam

and a text from Aidan underneath.

Y cant u answer ur phone sis

I was ready to respond.

I just woke up. What's up?

Dads pissed u missed fam dinner yesterday. Y?

I didn't realise I was invited.

Sis ur always invited. Come 2day or dad will get rlly angry at us

I could feel the guilt already creeping into my chest. I completely forgot about family dinner. I was so focussed on the dreamy James and our date.

I sat up in my bed, already searching for my pants to put on and once they were on, I went outside.

Zac was laying on the purple couch, his eyes were shut, and his chest rose and fell evenly.

I walked up to him, watching his mouth twitch slightly into a small smile.

"Zac," I whispered, but he didn't wake. "Zac," I whispered again only a little louder.

I poked him on his side, but when nothing happened, I poked him again.

He woke up in a shock, letting out a deep scream which made me give out a yelp. He kicked back on the couch until he was sitting.

"What the hell, Ali?" Zac yelled at me, and wiped his hand down his face.

"Sorry," I said trying to contain my smile.

He stared at me while I looked down at him on the couch, until he couldn't contain his smile and he cracked up laughing. The sound and the look of him laughing made me laugh until we were just two people in a room laughing. After a second of uncontrollable laughter we stopped, and the sound fade out.

"What's up, Ali," He asked, rubbing his eyes with a small smile.

"Where's the other boys?"

"Burney went to his parents' house and I don't know where Emmett is."

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