Chapter 63.

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Maddie met me at the front of the store when I finished work, and I kissed her on her cheek when I greeted her. I had already filled her in on Zac's birthday coming up and how he was having a shindig with the relatives.

"You're all glowly," she comments when we walk down the street a little.

"Am I?" I asked.

"Yes... it's almost sickening," she comments, and I laugh tipping my head back.

"Shut up, bitch," I say shaking my head and she smiles.

We walk side by side, but she kept looking at me from the corner of her eye.

"There's something you're not telling me," she says, her eyes search my body searching for clues.

I just look at her with my eyebrows raised, waiting to see if she could guess, and after passing a couple not so good-looking stores to shop for a cocktail dress, she stops and screams.

"YOU DID IT! AAHHH! YOU FINALLY DID IT!" She screams and I cover her mouth with my hand.

"Could you have said that any louder?" I whisper loudly to her. "I don't think the guy in Antarctica heard you properly." I take my hand away from her mouth and she has the largest smile on her face.

"You had..." she leans in closer to me, whispering, "sex..." She holds her hands up next to her face in soft fists and waves them back and forth in a little dance, then claps her hands in front of her face in excitement. "Oh, I'm so happy for you! My little baby is all grown up," she says curling her arm around my shoulder. The height difference made this difficult and she had to bend her knees to be on the same level as me.

"How was it?" she asks, and she follows me as I enter a store that I'm sure would have cocktail dresses.

I fill her in on the night's events, of coming home and finding he had prepared me breakfast/ dinner. When I told her this part, she practically swooned? Then I filled her in on the rest of the night, keeping the details light.

"Oh, how romantic!" she sighs. "I wish my first time was like that," she adds, piquing my interest.

"When was your first time?" I asked, curious.

"High school with my boyfriend of three years," she chuckles. "It was so awkward," she cringes overdramatically making me laugh.

"How about this one?" she says, pulling out a blue halter neck dress.

"It's not horrible," I say. This wasn't a time to be picky.

"I suggest that you just grab a handle of dresses and just try them on."

And I did just that. Maddie helped me lug all of the dresses we picked out into the dressing room.

After each dress I tried on I walked out of the change room to show Maddie. It was towards the end of the day, so thankfully, there wasn't a lot of people in the store. Out of all the dress we had selected, only two seemed to be the nicest. One black one and one cream coloured one, but both I felt were too boring.

"I can always fancy it up with some bling?" I suggest.

"You look like you're going to a job interview," Maddie straight up says and we both laugh. She was sitting on the couch in front of the mirror, waiting with patience like a saint for me to try on each dress.

I look down at the dress that had a laced pencil skirt.

"It's not that bad..."

"It looks shite," Maddie's says causing me to burst out in laughter.

"It really is, isn't it?"

"NEXT!" she shouts and tries to throw one of the bad dresses at me and I run back into the dressing room, dodging the dress.

As I'm about to try on the next dress there's a rasp at the door.


"Hi, lovely!" it was the employee working. "I couldn't help but overhear you two and I have a dress to suggest."

"Ooh okay," I say.

"It's so pretty, Al."

I open up the door to the change room, holding a dress up to cover my exposed body and stick my hand out to grab the dress. I immediate feel something sharp and when I finally see the dress, I realise it's tiny sequins.

I put on the dress carefully, thankful that there was a silk wrap underneath the material to protect my skin from the sharp sequins.

I looked in the mirror with the dress on and smiled. I think this was it.

I step out of the change room and was rewarded with Maddie's gasp.

"That's the one. No doubt about it," she says. "I feel like we're picking out your wedding dress," she laughs and fakes wiping a tear from her eye. "My baby really is growing up," she adds.

I look in the floor length mirror behind where Maddie sat, assessing myself in the dress. It really was beautiful. The dress had short flare sleeves and a plunging neckline, but thankfully there was a nude mesh that rose higher to cover my cleavage. The dress came in at my waist for fanning itself around me, the tulle material of the skirt stopped below my knee, but the silk material underneath stopped slightly higher, creating this gorgeous effect. The dress was decorated with swirls and patterns of rose gold sequins and glitter. It wasn't too over the top, but it wasn't boring like the other dresses either. It was the type of dress that managed to tread lightly between the two, skimming the fine line.

"Rose gold really is your colour," the employee says.

"I feel like a princess," I say.

"You look like one," Maddie responds.

I was determined to buy this dress now.

"A nude sandal heel would go really nicely with it," the employee adds. Even her eyes were glistening with awe as she looked at me. I looked good in this dress and I felt good too. It was just the confidence boost I needed to meet his entire family.

"Shit! I completely forgot about shoes," I smacked my forehead. I looked at the price tag that was sticking out of the side of the dress and nearly fainted. You want how much for it? Plus, the shoes...

Maddie stood up next to me looking at the tag too.

"Holy Fuck!" she exclaims.

Thank God I worked two jobs, because this was going to get very expensive. 

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