Chapter 40.

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I just wanted to stay in my room. The only time I left was when I needed to use the bathroom and get food and a coffee.

When I was doing my makeup for work tonight, Emmett came into my room and sat on my bed. Watching me do my makeup in my wardrobe mirror.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"Yeah, you?" I ask.

"I'm okay."

"That's good," I say and try and continue my makeup but the way he was sitting and looking at me, made me think that there was something else. I knew him too well.

"What's up?" I say, fixing my eyebrow hair.

"Well..." he sighs. "I want to know if you and Zac are a thing."

I snap my head towards him. That was the last thing I was ever expecting for him to ask and it reminded me of the last time. I get up from the floor and get my clothes ready that I wanted to wear.

"That really is none of your business, Em," I say, grabbing the clothes I wanted.


"Seriously," I say and hold up my hand. "You need to stop with this."

"I know you, Ali."

"Yeah, I know you too," I joke and try and make light of things.

"I warned you, Ali... I just want you to be safe."

"What are you warning me about?" I ask. "Does he have another secret girlfriend that I don't know about?"


"Okay good" I say and get all of my clothes ready and lay them on my bed next to Emmett. "Then what is up?"

"It's a long story," he says. His elbows rested on his knees now and he leans forward on them.

"Then why try and warn me about it if it's a long story?" I ask. I was beyond pissed now.

"Because I feel like I should."

"I appreciate it, but if you're not going to tell me, then don't warn me," was my final word about this. "I need to get ready for work," I say, and I grab all of my things for work and head to the bathroom to finish up there, leaving Emmett in my room.

I curled my hair trying to make myself feel better about being unwanted by the person I love.

I get my phone out and message James.

Are you still picking me up?

I'll pick you up at 5:45

Sweet as, C U then.

I finish getting ready, making myself look sexy. I curled my hair, which looked cute with my new styles bob and I wore a black shirt that was more like a corset. It shaped my body beautifully, the shoulder was puffed, and the front was pointed, making my waist look tiny and my breasts look great. I looked almost Victorian.

I was ready when James messaged me saying he was out the front and I grabbed my leather jacket from my room, my bag and was ready to leave when Zac was in the kitchen.

"You look really good," he says and shakes his head. I think that complement wasn't something he intended to say out loud.

"You forgot your keys!" he says, as I pass.

"Don't need them," I reply.

"Why?" he asks.

"I have a lift."

Zac looks out the window. "Fuck no!" He shouts and he runs around the landing and towards me, stepping in front of the door before I could enter through it.

"For fuck sake, Alison, don't go with him."

"I'm catching a ride with him," I explain, not that I should.

"It's not just a ride though, is it? Not to him," he says. His voice is frantic, and his eyes are rushing all over the room.

"I'm just getting a lift to work with him."

"I'll take you," he continues, frantically. He runs his hands in his hair and he's breathing hard.

"He owes me a favour," I explain again. I didn't want to explain the whole thing to him. That only yesterday we went out to coffee and I paid for him and now he owes me this lift to work. So, I continue, "It's just a lift."

"It's not, Ali!" he screams, and I flinch. "He wants to fuck you," he says between his teeth.

"Please stop," I say to Zac.

"Move," I say between my teeth.

"What the hell is happening?" Emmett says and comes rushing out of his room.

"James is giving me a ride to work," I say. I keep my eyes on Zac in front of me while I answer Emmett.

"Zac, move," Emmett says.

"No," he responds.

"What the hell is going on?" he asks from behind me.

"He wants her," Zac says, looking at me. His face was panicked. "I don't want to lose you," he whispers to me and only me.

"Zac..." I whisper is a tight breath. "I'm just going to work with a friend. So, step aside."

"Zac, let's go," Emmett says. I watch Zac's eyes travel from me to Emmett behind me and there was a debate going on inside his head. His eyes began to clear as reasoning took over and Zac took a step aside.

I squeezed past him and out the door. There was a panic feeling in my chest as I got into James' car.

"Hey, is everything okay?" James asks.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I say, but my voice was a little shaky. "Sorry I was late getting to the car," I continue.

"It's fine. Let's get you to work," he says and drives me straight to work.

When he parked, he got out too and I looked at him.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm getting a drink," he says, and I laugh.

"Coke tonight or rum and coke?"

"Alcoholic beverage, please," he says, and we continue to walk inside.

"Did I mention you look really beautiful?" he asks, and I look away feeling a little awkward.

"Thank you," I nod, and I get behind the large bar. I gave Maddie a hug and got straight into work, giving James his drink, rum and coke.

"Are you okay getting home?" James asks.

"Yeah, of course! I'll get a lift with Maddie," I say. I'm sure she wouldn't mind.

It wasn't until halfway through my shift that James finally left and someone else, completely familiar sat in front of me, in their usually seat.

"Hey Angel," Zac says, his eyes look clouded and heavy.


"I'm sorry... about earlier," he says, but I don't acknowledge it. I serve a couple other customers, keeping Zac at the corner of my eyes.

"Is the redheaded bastard still here?" he asks, already looking around the Bar to see if he was here.

"Why do you hate him so much?" I ask, my hands on my hips.

"Because he wants to fuck you, Angel," he states, and I cringe.

"Why are you being so crude?" I almost yell, but keep my voice down, because I'm at work. "And rude, for that matter."

"Because I don't want him to take what's mine," he continues.

I look at him with deadpan eyes, before others came up to my part of the bar and ordered more drinks and I devoured myself into serving them.

"Fine, fuck him then," he says and leaves. I watched him get up from the table, taking a drink that someone else ordered, and heading towards the pool tables. 

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