Chapter 26.

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I only knew what day it was based on whether I interacted with Zac or not. I would pass him in the hallway, see him at dinner, or every now and then at the Bar. He would sit in his usual spot at the front of my side of the large bar.

We acted like I didn't just suck his dick and he fingered me the other day, which made me laugh every time I think about it. I tried to be civil with him. Talk whenever I was addressed, try and make light conversation with him, but it was tough whenever I was around him because all I wanted was to hold him and kiss him and do so much more.

I wanted more. More than whatever this was between us.

I made dinner one night, and I screamed to the boys in the house to come to the table because it was ready. Burney and Emmett came out, but Zac didn't.

"Do you want me to get him?" Burney asked, getting up from his chair after already spooning a mouthful of pasta in his mouth.

"It's fine, I'll go," I smile at Burney and walk towards Zac's' bedroom down the side. As soon as I was outside of his room, I could immediately smell him, and for a split second I pause outside of his bedroom, breathing as much of him in as I can.

I knock on his door, pushing the door open and see that he is at his desk. He wore no shirt, his muscular back facing me. His headphone was over his ear and I could hear the beat of his music as I step inside. In front of his was a book and he was writing.

"Zac," I say, but he doesn't respond. "Zac?" I ask again and tap his shoulder and watch him jump when he realises my presence.

"Jesus!" he says and hold his heart from the scare I gave him. He takes off of his earphones and pauses the music. "Couldn't you cough or something?" He turns around on his seat and leans his arm on the back of the seat.

"I did knock and say your name," I respond.

"Did you?" he says. He looks around the room and seems distracted.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, why?"

"You seem distracted..." I ponder.

He looks over my face.

"I'll be okay," he nods and has a small smile.

I wanted to go to him and hug him. I wanted to hold him and kiss away all of his troubles.

"Okay, well dinner is ready," I smile a small smile at him.

"Thank you," he smiles a similar smile back. "I'll be out in just a second."

Without even thinking about it, but hand reached instinctively out and cupped his cheek, and pull it away, bringing my hand underneath his chin. When I pulled it back my face was pinch and flushed with embarrassment.

"Sorry, I don't know why I did that," I say, looking away.

"It's okay," he smiles, genuinely. "You can do that any time do you want

"Don't be too long. Your food will get cold."

"Yes ma'am," he says with a toothy smile and I walk out of his room back into the kitchen, my hand tingling from the feeling of his skin on my hand. 

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