7. Respirating wall

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Dr. Ishaan examined his both legs with his double surgical gloved right hand. I didn't find any unpleasantness in his eyes not even any inconvenience in his deportment whenever his eyes stared at the maggots ulcer. On other hand, my chest heaved and heaved with the beating of my heart faster than fast. Actually, for ten minutes, my heart started beating fast but my self-esteem doesn't want to accept it could be because of this Doctor.

"Now how will we manage him?" I asked my senior doctor, who for unknown reasons is still furiously angry with me. Maybe his favorite hobby is to be ill-tempered with me. But, being a professional man, kept vigorous livid nature aside and concentrated on explaining the case albeit with complete avoidance of eye contact.

"We have to plug the ulcer with turpentine oil gauze pads. But. Before that take one cotton swab loaded with his ulcer pus for culture and sensitivity. Based on the bacterial infection we will proceed with further treatment." He performed the cotton swab investigation and plunged the ulcer with turpentine oil gauze pads.

"It will take fifteen to twenty minutes for turpentine oil to start the action. Until then you will sit here and monitor him" he commanded me. What!?!? No way. I dunno about larvas but I will for sure die with suffocation.

"But. Dr. Ishaan. I don't... Want to sit. It smells... very bad" I urged and walked with him out of the dressing room. There was no one in the hallway, not even the nurse. 

"Cover your nose with more surgical masks, then" he denied without turning, and I honestly believe that he is trying to use the patient's musty odor of ulcer to torture a girl with overloaded cuteness. Yes, I am cute. As I came to know this most unbelievable truth, a month ago. When a cute baby of red panda jumped off from my embrace saying, 'I am jealous! she is cuter than me...'

"But. I already tried that..."

"Stop arguing with me, doctor!" he cut off and turned with a haughty disdain look masked over his chiseled face.  "And do what I say!" tilting his head like a Cobra's hood towards the dressing room. "Go, sit, and monitor him" very coolly and calmly he commanded and walked inside his cabin without listening to my protests. 

Dear Dr. Ishaan, I curse you very strongly to become a permanent beast, so strongly that even a kiss from your two beauties can not turn you into a normal person.

I sat on a stool and maintained a couple of meters distance between his bed and my stool. I sat constantly for a whole and very very long five minutes monitoring my patient. He screamed a few times because of turpentine oil irritation over his tissues. But. That musty smell already found its way to my brain through my nose and started to poison me. Go hell with his commands and orders, I thought and walked out of the cabin. But I stood by sticking myself to the closed door of the dressing room. The moment I sensed his footsteps getting near to his cabin door, I pushed myself inside the room and sat on a stool innocently.

After cleaning and dressing his ulcer, he ordered. "Admit the patient and after you write his case sheet, bring it to me. I will write the treatment plan". I nodded and took the patient to my cabin.

I once again took his complete history and wrote it in the case sheet. After writing the examination part, I sent out the patient and went to his cabin. The moment I pushed his cabin door, my eyes bulged out in shock and also felt a sensation similar to heart-tearing into pieces, as immediately as I watched him sitting opposite to a woman, hand in hand with a firm and hearty grip.

Okay. I have to keep a big stone of my size on my heart, to say that the woman is.... gorgeous. Which I am not going to do.

"I think you should have a basic sense to knock before entering another person's room," he howled and tore my heart into more small-small pieces. Last day after hearing about his two lives, I didn't felt this pain as I am experiencing at this moment. By the way, I strongly esteem that, howling might be his utmost habit. And that day, my fantasy to see a werewolf in a human form has come true. After giving a glance at him and the woman sitting opposite to him in a rose-red straight churidar dress, I pulled myself and the door outwards. I knocked in a dignified way and waited for his response. "Come," came a sharp response from his sinful, apathetic mouth.

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