13. Planning

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Ishaan Pov

After keeping my belongings in my cabin. I went to the preoperative ward and checked the patient, I will be operating with Dr. Gautham. The patient had a liver tumor and the procedure to get operated on was Liver resection.

After I finish, I will hand over the remaining two minor cases to Dr. Gautham and fetch Ishika. I have to somehow speak with her.

According to Anu, she interprets that I am commanding and bossing over her. If I don't do one of those practices, she will never listen to me. However, I need to train myself...yeah...I have to speak softly and handle her smoothly.   

When she walked out with Sahil last Saturday, even after the warning, I got a thought to back off, but her babblings which my memory has strongly embedded with have had never let me dare to take a step back.

And this Monday, when first time, I took a step close to her, her mischievous eyes entangled me in her magnitude. Never did I deem, I might fell this madly with a girl. She gave me a new life. I can't leave her, she is my reason to smile. 

But apologizing is not in my demeanor. I should find a reason to speak with her.

"Hey, Ishaan!" Dr. Gautham hallooed.  "No postgraduate has come, yet?" He inquired.

"No," I replied.

"When did the laparoscopic appendicectomy concluded last night?"

"By 8 p.m. Did you take sister-in-law on dinner, last night?"

"Last night that surgery lasted until 7:30 p.m. Then changing dress and checking ul the operated patient engulfed another half-an-hour. Moreover, this Lucknow traffic ..." Oh gosh! This man is dangerous. I asked him a simple one-word question and he is answering me in essay form.  I turned towards the door slightly, and...then my eyes landed on...my short-hair, breakneck-daredevil, proceeding towards the preoperative ward with one tall, lean fellow. Ishika Mishra somehow started looking more and more beautiful for every passing day. That means. She is the one who will be assisting us? I turned back concentrating on Dr. Gautham's jabbering about his wife. And also controlling my heart's summersaults. I just...just want to dance, frolic, and cavort with ecstasy. 

"Good Morning!" she wished, glancing at Dr. Gautham and avoiding eye contact with me. Ok, Dr. Ishika Mishra is on her mission to ignore me. I gazed at her from top to bottom. Her eyes were sore, she didn't apply kohl to her eyes. While that sleeveless white dress is making selfsame of her skin color. In brief, she is looking like a vanilla cupcake. I just want to bite her. Argh! I should control my feelings or else she will smash my head on this table. Before my thoughts drive me and my desires elsewhere I averted my gaze back to the case sheet.

"Good Morning! But, you are late, Dr. Ishika. And. Because of you, we didn't even shift the case." He act-to-be-serious, while she giggled. Of course, I was getting jealous but I didn't get conspicuous and avoided her. "See, she is laughing, Ishaan. Dr. Ishika, I am serious!" No. I didn't see. Neither did I nod, I avoided it. 

Can't she be like this jovial and enthusiastic with me?

Am I that bad?

I try my best to be goodly with her. But, she despises me, every time.

"Sorry! Sorry!" she apologized controlling her giggles.

"Ok! first inject I.V. cannula to the patient, give his pre-operative medications, and shift the case to the operating room." Dr. Gautham ordered her. 

She came back with an I.V cannula and spirit tray from the dressing trolley. Meanwhile, she kept ignoring me and I gazed at her with the corner of my eyes, with my head tilted towards the patient case sheet. Consequently, it's quite hurting...but should bear her ignorance...as-a-matter-of-fact I like her. Thankfully, she will be the one assisting us, somehow, I will get a chance to speak with her. A small poke is well enough to normalize her. What if, I compliment her.

No! She will smack me or cut me into small-small pieces.

"Is your hand, okay?" Dr. Gautham asked her breaking my trench of thoughts. "It seems like someone has burnt, it!" I averted my gaze from the case sheet to her. He took her hand and inspected it. For a moment, I got angry to watch Dr. Gautham holding her hand but I calmed in the next moment with a realization, that he is a married man that too purely in love with his wife. 

But. What could that marks be? I narrowed my eyes and scanned her right wrist...By the way, I think, the last night I hang on her right wrist, right? That means, that red strokes are my fingerprints. Oh, shit! my eyes opened widely and then I gaped at her. Shit man. What did I do to my cupcake?

She sat staring at me silently and calmly, as calm as the weather maintains before the storm. And that silent artic-glare spoke louder than words. I gave pain to my cupcake. I couldn't apprehend what she is contemplating, but I have to heal the wound I gave to her. Not only physically but also emotionally. That's the reason her eyes are sore!?!?

Did she cry last night?

According to my knowledge, she is a woman who makes others shed tears before her eyes let out any.

"Actually...I fell on the staircase of my hostel and injured it," she replied. I turned my head back to the case sheet and twitching my lower jaw muscles, I kept tapping my right index finger on the table. Simultaneously, I dwelled on all possibilities to heal her wound.

1) If I ask Anu, she will suggest, to apologize; which will satisfy cupcake's ego but will not heal her wound.
2) If I go to heal her wound option. Then how should I? It's not like: Ishika, come I will apply pain killer ointment and she obediently, will obey my words. With a strongly reverse possibility...she will hit my head with the wall.

"Ishaan, you okay!" Dr. Gautham called out. I got snapped out of my juvenile amused plans and gaped at him

"Yeah!" I stopped my nervous activity, tapping the finger. I don't know from when did I start these all-nervous activities. "Hmm...I will go and change to an O.T. dress," I informed Dr. Gautham and walked out of the preoperative ward. Nowadays, I am strongly getting a doubt that. Am I a Laparoscopic Surgeon or a teenage-kittenish Ishaan? But, that Ishaan never pre-planned this deeply in advance to chat up with a girl. But. This is not a case of flirting, she will gonna be my future. So, that obvious, I have to work hard.

I took the first left turn and entered inside the medical store, for a pain killer ointment. Before walking out, I gave a once-over glance to that room, and a plan was inbuilt in my brain. It might be cumbersome to my metier but...I can do this. At least...I have to heal her wound. While apologizing is resistant to my self-esteem.

I watched her marching down the hallway, proceeding towards the female changing room. Come on Ishaan be that 16-year-old, kittenish Ishaan. I approached her from behind, clutched her arm, and pulled her into the medical-store room, one ahead to a female changing room.

The most surprising thing was, she neither scream nor did she resist me... I got doubt that I approached Ishika Mishra or some other girl. So, I positioned her, in between me and the wall, and scrutinized her. The room was ill-lit, it took me a couple of seconds to confirm that she was my target girl.

Gazing strongly in her innocent and puerile eyes, I placed my hands on the wall, on either side to her, and trapped her between me and the wall. Cocking my head down with a concern "are those strokes are my fingerprints?" I inquired, very, very, very softly. Just to confirm, before blaming myself mentally.

I hope not to get irked with her attitude...
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