2. First Day

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The following day welcomed me with a serene and blissful morning. As expected, I woke up late—the person who occupied my brain and my friend chitter-chatter kept me awake till midnight. And until I don't sleep for at least eight hours per day, I don't open my eyes. I am conscious of my beauty, and I avoid all the things that will end my eyes with dark circles. While massaging my hair with shampoo under the shower, I listed all the items I had to pack in my backpack. Surgery was more of an examination of patients, I bought all the instruments I can use while examining two days ago with my Dada. So, the first things to add were instruments and the next should be a surgery textbook.   

"Ishika, are you done?" Nisha called out from behind the bathroom door with a knock.

I gave a once-over to my body that I have to scrub, yet. Then replied, "no!" 

"Hmm. I am leaving I have to go through a few formalities of enrollment. But, come soon there's a meeting, it seems." I heard a few muffled voices, before she spoke for the last time, "bye, will meet in the hospital!" 

"Okay!" I shouted and scrubbed my body as fast as possible and pulled myself out of the bathroom. 

I decided to wear a simple and casual dress. So, I went for mid-thigh sleeveless lavender with a white embroidery dress and a pair of ankle-length white trousers. Time was running like a rabbit and my anxiety made me a tortoise. I don't want to race with time but I wish at least fifteen minutes, time should go to sleep. Once I dried my hair, I decided to leave them loose. Strands of my hair were dangling on either side of my face, already starting to irritate me. 

Next, I dumped all the instruments, book, wallet, and stethoscope in my backpack and barrelled out. I locked the room but forgot the apron. It's the first day and without an apron won't be good, right? So, barrelled back to the room, grabbed my apron that I kept visibly on my bed, and barreled out.   

I was anxious and nervous. I felt sweaty. I walked and walked, passed the Garden of my hostel, and reached the canteen. But the time on my mobile screen showed five-past-nine, which means if I stay and eat, I will get late more. Even after hearing a big rumble from my stomach, I deleted the thought of eating and strode to the hospital.

With my backpack slinging on my right shoulder, and an apron hung over my left forearm, I bypassed the emergency exit door watching an emergency patient getting shifted from the ambulance to the Casualty ward. I stepped inside the hospital and felt my surrounding atmosphere tense along with the sound of indistinct people chatters and a few whimperings. 

I kept walking and entered the large and wide hallway. Next, passed through the reception, pharmacy, waiting area, and other departments of the hospital until I reached mine. I walked inside the double-wing wooden door of my department and stood looking to and fro which in turn was a hall with multiple cabins. To my vision, my department seemed spacious with clean and white tiles along with the smell of disinfectants and a few patients seated on the chairs outside of the cabins. On the right side of the door were the nurse station, a demo room, and two small size dressing rooms for male and female patients. And on the left side of the door was a large size cabin. And opposite me were six medium size cabins.

I ducked to the nurse station. "Excuse me..." I called the Nurse sitting behind the desk in an electric blue uniform. She slightly raised her head. She had high arched brows and an indolent face with a turn-up nose. Watching her even the most thrilling and enthusiastic person becomes slothful and will begin to yawn continuously without any pause. She rose her both eyebrows almost touching her hairline. "It's my first day. Where should I report?" I asked politely with a smile.

She slowly lifted her left hand and pointed toward the large cabin. Even a mosquito will remain alive in her hands if she gives a thought to killing that with a clap. I realized my smile will not affect her indolent face so without aching my facial muscles I whirled and marched to the cabin. 'Dr. Nandini Sankar, Head of Department' was written on the door board. I glanced at my mobile clock, fifteen-past-nine. Before the watch tick further, I kicked off the anxiety and knocked on the door louder. I waited for a response from behind the door. "Come in" came the female voice. I twisted the steel doorknob and pushed the door inwards.

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