Epilogue-Men are men

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As instructed, I dropped a few drops of my urine on the stick, sleeping on the ceramic washbasin of my suite bathroom. My gaze was cemented on the stick which said if it showed two red lines at the center I might be pregnant. Along with my hand turning cold, my heart hammered between my lungs.

Before it showed even a single line, Nisha banged on the door addressing, "Ishika," I turned around and opened it slightly, "Granny is here with your wedding dress and jewelry," she informed then stared at a far distance over my shoulder, "what's the result?" she inquired with a teasing smile. I thought to cut her in two or better hit her head against the wall to tease me since I shared that I didn't receive my periods for the last two months.

I pulled myself out and locked the door. "I dunno, let see later!" She nodded and walked along with me inside the room.

In front of me was the beautiful old woman with a tray of my wedding dress and jewelry with a heart-warming smile on her lips with a delightful gleam in her eyes. She was happy that day cause, finally, her dream of me to vow with her only grandson is coming true. Today I will be sanctioned as Dr. Ishaan Beast Sharma's Better Half. And from this night I will be addressed as Mrs. instead of just a miss.

On her left was my Mama and on her right was Anu. Both held a warming smile.

Granny handed me the tray. She wanted me to wear Dr. Ishaan's mother's jewelry, so my Mama has to design my wedding dress based on that.

"Ishika, first wear the dress then I will send the makeup and hair artists!" Anu informed and at the same time, there was a knock. One of the room services came to serve five different fruits fresh juice, that I ordered thirty minutes ago. They were Blueberry, Black grapes, pineapple, watermelon, and apple. Along with some sandwiches and cookies. Maybe in anxiety, I started eating a lot for a month but to look in shape for tonight I decided to eat light.

Of all Blueberry juice attracted me so much. And when he came with a tray near me, I placed my gown and jewelry on the bed and grabbed that glass, and emptied it in my mouth in one breath. When I saw four pairs of eyes watching me with quite a shock but my mama seemed embarrassed more than shocked, I voiced them as, "Anxiety!" and wiped the drops sitting on my upper lip with the back of my hand. My mama glared at me watching my dirty manners, cause that was downing her pride in front of my in-laws. She doesn't know how close I am with Granny and Anu, they are like my own family.

Because of that, without realization, she spilled juice on her dress, instead of throwing it in her mouth. "Shit! I will be back in a minute!" she informed before ducking into my bathroom. In the meantime, Granny opened the jewelry box and showed me. I had already seen them but that night they appeared elegant. It was a baby-pink ruby with a white cut-diamond necklace that matched perfectly to my wedding dress.

"It's beautiful, Granny!" Nisha complimented without taking her eyes away from them. "You will look beauti-"

"OMG!" My mama's ear-piercing scream from the bathroom cut off Nisha's next compliment.

Our four heads headed to the bathroom door, to watch my Mama holding a white stick that looked similar to the pregnancy test kit.

"Ishika! What is this?" She trust out the stick in front of me that showed red lines in the center. My eyes widened, well my lungs froze. I am pregnant. But how can it be possible, I remember we to use protection whenever we did. But except the first time, that's the exact next day to my birthday. Two months ago. Oh, shoot! Shoot! Moron made me pregnant. That dastard.

"I..Ishu?" Granny asked me with astonishment hiding the gleam in her eyes and excitement in her voice cause my mother is fuming with anger. Of course, Granny might be on cloud nine.

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