14 | Display of magic

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Ginny was here. Harry caught her red hair within the crowd, and she'd taken his breath away. Heartbreakingly beautiful, as always. She entered the ballroom in a black gown behind Neville and Hannah and ahead of Luna and Rolf then moved to the drink table but after a few minutes, she disappeared.

A part of him wanted to hunt her down, but he had other things to do. He exhaled, watching Ron make his rounds. Had he seen her?

He skirted a group of witches from his Hogwarts days. A few said hi, most just stared as he nodded. No one went overboard, thankfully. He walked over to the drink table, where Professor McGonagall was chatting with Professor Sprout. Well, it was more like McGonagall was caught in the conversation. While he passed by, she jumped on him with a quick interruption to Professor Sprout's story.

"Potter," she said. Harry stopped. "How are you doing? Staying out of trouble."

His lips twitched. "I try, Professor."

Her eyes were bright. "I'm not your professor anymore."

He shrugged, turning his back on the table and keeping his eyes on the crowd. "Can't help it." It'd been years, but that wasn't something you could stop yourself from doing.

She turned as well. "I've noticed an alarming amount of aurors tonight."

He grinned. "You can never be too cautious when world leaders are involved."

She nodded, but he felt her glance his way a few times.

His gaze moved over the room. Jefferson and Cortez stood at the doors. Michaelson was stationed at the right corner. Coffin and Dyers were behind the head table, and a few American aurors were with them. He finally landed on Sharp and Jack, searching the crowd. Sharp didn't speak, but Jack talked nonstop. That made Harry smile. Then Jack's eyes caught his. He patted Sharp's shoulder, who looked over and nodded at something the American said.

"Excuse me, Professor," Harry said, stepping away.

Jack approached him, falling into step with him once again. "Anything?" he asked.

Harry exhaled and shook his head. He'd worked the room earlier with the American. The conversation had been light, though a few times the man had tried to sneak in questions about a certain auror. It was subtly done, and every time, Harry couldn't fight the smile that slipped onto his lips. Jack seriously had a thing for Sharp.

"I just received word that the President and Minister are ready," Jack told him a moment later.

Harry nodded and steered them towards the ballroom doors. Movement drew his attention to their right, where Draco Malfoy stormed from a shadowy table, a cold look on his face. "Potter," he muttered then moved on before Harry could say anything.

"Friend?" Jack asked, watching Malfoy walk away.

"Not really." Harry continued forward through the ballroom doors and turned to his left where a small group stood. Both Kingsley and the President were surrounded by aurors. The President laughed at something then he saw them approaching. "Jack, Potter. I think we're ready." He patted Kingsley's shoulder. 

Robards stepped over. He looked at his watch. "Lead them in, Potter."

"Yes," Harry said, stepping back. "Clear the way," he added to Jefferson and Cortez.

An announcement was made when the two men entered the room, but all Harry's attention was on the crowd. He led the way, the President and Kingsley shaking hands and speaking to those they passed on the way to the head table. Jack pulled up the rear, eyes scanning the room as they all moved. The second the men were at the table, Harry took a step back and stood by the Golden Unicorn Horn. 

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