28 | We need a plan.

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"Harry," a voice whispered into his ear.

He reached out for her. Ginny. He knew that voice anywhere.

She walked into view. Merlin. He could look at her for all eternity.

A light rose behind her. He squinted. The light brightened, encompassing her. It flashed on his glasses. He winced.

Harry woke up, and he stared into the morning sunlight peeking through the shades. "Bollocks." He covered his eyes and rolled over. Reaching an arm out to the other side of the bed, eyes closing, sleep started to drag him under again.

There was no one there.

That woke him up. He was in Ginny's bed. Sitting up, he rubbed his eyes then reached for his glasses on the nightstand. He spent the night with Ginny, and he hadn't slept so well in ages.

He yawned and rubbed his chin. Where was Ginny? He wanted a kiss, maybe a little more. "Ginny?"

No answer came from the bedroom. Rolling his neck, he got out of bed and walked to the kitchen. "Ginny? Are you here?" he tried again.

She wasn't here. A fresh pot of tea was waiting for him, though. Where was she? He yawned again, rubbing the growing beard. It was early. Where could she- Harry's eyes widened when he caught the time. Nine twenty-one.

Bloody hell! He was supposed to meet the others at ten. There was still time, though. Get home, shower, change – Shite! He forgot to tell Ginny about Parkinson's Birthday Ball! He needed to talk to her.

He hurried to the bedroom and got dressed. When he returned to the living room, he grabbed a piece of parchment and quill from a drawer and scribbled a quick note:

Going to the office. Won't be able to make it tonight. I'll be out at a ball tonight – Harry.

There was no way to know if she would understand it. God, he hoped she did. He stared at it a moment longer then he slipped out of Ginny's flat and apparated home.

At ten o'clock, Harry walked through the headquarters' doors. Right on time. He pulled off his cloak while walking towards his office. Ron and Sharp were waiting for him.

"Morning." Harry opened the door to his office, the two followed him in.

They took the seats in front of his desk. Harry sat as well, running his fingers through his hair then pushed up his glasses. As the realization sunk in this morning, he hoped Ginny saw his note and stayed away. God, let her stay away.

"Are we ready?" Sharp asked.

Harry pulled his attention back. "Where's Jack?"

Sharp looked behind him at the door. "He's here somewhere. I'll get him." He got up and left the office before they said anything.

"Did you have dinner with Ginny last night?" Ron asked when the door closed.

"What?" Harry straightened in his chair.

"Well, did you?"

Harry scratched the nape of his neck. "I- Well-" He cleared his throat.

Ron sighed and crossed his arms. "Harry, I know Hermione talked to you and you told her to bugger off, but Ginny's my sister, and the family's worried about. She won't come around anymore. My parents and the others haven't seen her in ages. I'm the only one." He paused, looking off then he shook his head. "She won't even tell me where she lives."

Bloody hell. Ginny was putting him in a horrible position. He gulped. "Ron-"

He held a hand up. "We're just worried about her, Harry. That's all."

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