26 | This was business.

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Ginny's fork paused at the knock at the door. Music played softly, and she strained to hear it again. It didn't. She glanced over her shoulder then took a bite of Harry's dinner. Some bloke must have the wrong flat. She closed her eyes and chewed. Merlin, the man could cook. She had to keep him around, if for nothing else, but his cooking. She grinned then took one more bite.

Maybe he would come back. It'd only been an hour since he was called back to the Ministry. And they thought they were going to catch her, and with the Golden Unicorn Horn no less. She reached across the table and touched the vase. The red roses were so beautiful. Harry picked well. She touched a petal.

The knock came again.

Maybe he changed his mind about coming back tomorrow. Her grin turned into a full-blown smile. Maybe they could continue where they left off. She licked her lips, getting to her feet.

He wanted to wait and thought they were moving too fast. Maybe they were. Merlin, there were so many maybes when it came to him, but she couldn't help herself. He made her feel... there was no way to explain it.

With a smile, she opened the door, and just like that, her smile fell. She tried to shut the door but a hand caught it.

"Expecting someone else?" Malfoy asked, a smirk on his lips. He ran his hands down his dark suit.

She stared at him then exhaled, turning away from the door and returning to the table. A moment later the door shut. She took a sip of her wine and kept her back to him.

He slid into the spot where Harry sat. It ticked her off, but she kept her mouth shut. This was business. The golden vase was between them. She promised to get back the Black Locket for him. He was her client. Kicking him out would be bad form. At least that was what she kept telling herself.

"Am I interrupting something?" he asked, looking around her flat.

She took another sip. "What're you doing here, Malfoy? It's past time for social calls."

He leaned back in the chair, tapping his fingers against the table. He fiddled with the fork. "You didn't contact me."

Her eyebrows rose. "Contact you?" She was on the verge of saying whatever he wanted just to get him to go away. He still made her feel weird. Off.

His smirk fell, eyebrows furrowing, and he leaned over the table, both hands down on either side of the golden vase and red roses. "You didn't contact me after your trip to the Parkinson Manor." Ginny pursed her lips, but he continued, getting up and leaning further over the table and laying his fingers underneath her chin so their eyes met. "I guess you didn't find it there."

She gulped and shook her head. His fingers brushed against her chin and a shiver ran through her. Her no came out wispy. She cleared her throat and tried again. "No. The Aurors showed up before I could find it. It was either get arrested or go back another time."

Silence filled the flat. Her heart sped up. He released her and she leaned back in her chair, eyes wide. What the hell? Why did he -

"I heard you were better than this," Malfoy said softly.

The shiver shot through her again. She licked her lips and nodded her head. "I am." She shook her head again, trying to clear her mind, then ran her hands over her face. Sweet Merlin.


"I'll get it next time. I was so close, but next time I'll get it."

"You have one more chance," he said, crossing his arms. "Do you hear me? One more chance to get me what I want."

She nodded.

He paused a moment. "Tomorrow night, the Parkinson family will be celebrating Pansy's birthday with a ball." He folded his hands on the table. "It'll be filled with people and that'll provide you with the perfect opportunity to get the Black Locket."

"I will," Ginny said.

Malfoy leaned forward and laid his hands over hers. She looked up into his eyes. Steel gray. He grinned. "I'll take you as my date. It'll be the easiest way to get you in. The Weasleys aren't exactly on any kind of terms with the Parkinsons."

Ginny blinked a few times. "I could always use glamour."

He shook his head, running his index finger down her left cheek. She shivered. "And cover up all this beauty? Never."

"Okay," she whispered.

He smiled, and her heartbeat kicked up. He got up from the table and walked around towards her. He held his hand out and their eyes met. She slipped her hand into his and he pulled her to her feet. Their bodies brushed against each other, eyes still locked together. Heat filled her. Her lips parted.

"Perfect," he whispered, grabbing her chin again. "You must look your best. You'll be on my arm and only the beautiful belong there." He pulled her face closer, and his breath tickled her lips. If she just leaned forward just a little. God, she wanted to know what it felt like to kiss him. What he tasted like. What his- No!

Where the bloody hell did that come from? She yanked her head away and took a step back. Malfoy's eyebrows rose. She didn't want to know any of those things. She didn't want Malfoy. She wanted Harry.

The world stopped around her.


She wanted Harry. She wanted him so bad.

"That'll be all for now," Malfoy said, snapping her back. "I'll come by tomorrow at six-thirty to pick you up."

She looked away then walked to the front door. Malfoy chuckled behind her. When she opened the door, he stepped outside, grabbing her hand as he passed. He lifted it to his lips and kissed her palm. His eyes met hers again. His lips lingered longer than was respectable, but he didn't care. He never cared. She didn't either.

Stop that! Her mind screamed.

She blinked, and Malfoy released her hand. Then he smiled, a real smile, one she'd never seen on him before.

"Goodnight, Ginny," he whispered. "I'll see you tomorrow." He took a few steps back and glanced around him. A moment later, he disapparated with a snap.

She stared where he stood for a few moments then turned around and shut the door.

Neither of them was aware of the man watching them from the end of the hall.


Uh oh... who do you think caught Ginny and Malfoy?? O.o I'll give you three guesses, but I bet you'll only need one XD Anyway, sorry for a shorter chapter. I hope to make the next one a little longer. Thank you, as always, for all of your love and support and patience. What do you think will happen next? Share your thoughts. Love to hear what ya'll think :)

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