8 | Today was the day

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Laughing, Ginny looked over her shoulder. George chased after her, calling her name. She held the object ahead of her. Fred came from her right. She cried out, dodging as he reached for her. "F-"

"-red!" Ginny's eyes snapped open. The smile died on her lips.

She exhaled a shaky breath then rolled onto her back, looking up at the ceiling. A tear slid down her cheek. She dropped her hand over her head, feeling the tear roll down to her neck. She blinked a few times, rolling onto her side, then closed her eyes. Just a few more minutes in memories, and she could take over the world. Or ruin a government.

That boosted her mood.

Today was the day.

She sat up and leaned against her headboard. The President would arrive at the Ministry at noon with his sign of good faith, and she'd get to see what it was. Then tomorrow night during the Ministry ball, she'd steal the thing from right under their noses. Merlin, she couldn't wait.

The sun lit the walls, illuminating her world. Today was the beginning of the rest of her life. This would change things. She smiled. But before that, she had a job to do. She got out of bed, figuring she might as well get started on finding the Black Locket. Plus there were still hours before the President arrived. A little business before pleasure wasn't too terrible.

A quick shower woke her up even more, and the excitement of a new job put her on high. She stole, and with each item, she got better. It took time, but now she was ready. Her ultimate score. It was the greatest euphoric high she'd ever got, even better than winning the quidditch cup back at Hogwarts. Flying had always been the best feeling, but stealing was a whole different kind.

And stealing from the one institution that she hated the most...

"And make it two jobs at that." She smiled, sitting at the table and wrapping her hands around a cup of tea.

The truth was, though, anything would be great right now. Keep her mind occupied and away from one wizard. She groaned, dropping her head onto her arms. She'd dreamt about Potter last night. Stiff, she'd lay on the cold, wet floor of the Chamber of Secrets. Standing above her, he stared at her as she reached for him, pleading for help, and then he walked away without a word or backward glance, disappearing into the shadows.

It was a distraction she couldn't afford. Wouldn't. Potter hurt her years ago and been out of her life. But now, he was back.

She slammed her fist down. "Stop it," she muttered under her breath.

He wouldn't get in the way. She wouldn't let him. She had jobs to do. She was better this way, without him and her family holding her back. No matter how much Ron tried to pull her back. She was better.

Sipping her tea, her mind whirled. Where to begin? The best place to start was a contact in Knockturn Alley. If the Black Locket was stolen for money, they would need a fence. Her contact would know what was coming and going in the black market and pass along that information. If she was lucky, her contact would point her in the right direction. And if the thief hadn't turned around and sold it, even better.

Though, holding onto such a hot item like the Black Locket was dangerous, anything stolen from them, actually. Anyone foolish enough to steal from such a powerful family would most likely get rid of the evidence as quickly as possible.

She checked the time, a little after ten. Her contact wouldn't be out to play until after noon, but if she was lucky, she'd catch them before she had her own at the Ministry at the reveal at one.

Her dark jeans and t-shirt, sneakers, would do fine. There'd be no chance to change later, but it wasn't a big deal. All that mattered was to be inconspicuous.

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