24 | Letters

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Harry walked into his office and hung his cloak up. After a quick look at his watch, he slid behind his desk. A soft smile grew on his lips. He needed to make a stop at the store for supplies tonight. His smile widened.

Merlin, he couldn't wait to see her again.

A letter caught his attention on his desk. An eyebrow rose. His name was written on the front in handwriting he recognized.

Teddy! He tore it open. Andromeda had written it for the boy. A short, to-the-point letter. He was just saying hi. Harry needed to see him. Missed spending time with him. He ran his fingers over the letter and leaned back in his chair. Once things quieted down with Fyrefox, they'd get together. Maybe he'd take him on a short trip. They hadn't taken a weekend trip in awhile.

Laying the letter back on the desk, dinner slipped into his mind again. He still wasn't sure what to make. He tapped his fingers over the letter. Shepherd's Pie was her favorite if he remembered correctly. His thumb tapped on Teddy's name, written by the boy himself, at the bottom of the parchment.

He tapped it again.

The letters! He sat up straight. He'd forgotten about all the letters. He opened the top drawer and pulled out the two letters he had from Fyrefox. The first they'd received in the beginning, when he was first given the case, and the one left at Ron and Hermione's after the Alliance Ball.

He ran his fingers over the two letters.

Both of them were from Fyrefox. One confirmed, at least. He tapped the one left at Ron and Hermione's. That was Ginny. He knew it. No distinguishable proof, but it was her alright.

But this one? He picked up the first one: 'You're next. Fyrefox.' This one didn't feel right. He tapped his fingers against the words. Why? Why did it feel off? Ginny hasn't said anything about either letter, but why did this one feel wrong?

He didn't know why he felt that way. Sighing, he rolled up the letters and put them back in his desk. Once the drawer was closed, he frowned then ran his hands over his face, his glasses sliding up then falling back into place.

This whole Fyrefox-Ginny thing was going to drive him crazy. He was completely aiding and abetting a criminal. He should've brought Ginny in right away, but he couldn't help it. He was losing his mind.

He softly slapped his cheeks. Merlin, what the hell was he going to do? The right thing would be to turn Ginny in and help her as best as he could. Maybe he could make a deal? Maybe if he got the Golden Unicorn Horn back, it could help her case? Lessen her sentence.

Was that what he was going to do? Turn her in? He groaned, leaning back in his chair and running his fingers through his hair.

A knock on the door drew his attention. Ron stuck his head in. "Didn't know you were in yet."

Harry straightened. "Just got in." He pursed his lips. "What's going on?"

"Can I ask you a question?"

Harry's heart skipped a beat. Was it about Ginny? What did he know? Fyrefox? His hands clenched into fists. Sweet Merl-

"Have you seen Sharp this morning?" Ron asked instead.

He blinked. "What?" Sharp? "No. Not yet." He straightened. "Why?"

Ron looked out of the office then came in completely. He closed the door behind him. "I just spotted Sharp and Jack." He ran his hands together. "Something's up."

Harry's eyebrows rose. "Ron..." It wasn't any of their business what was going on between Sharp and Jack.

"No, not that." Ron rolled his eyes then stopped, frowning. "Well, maybe. I don't know. Sharp pretty much ran out of here the second they got out in. Said something about his informants and was gone." He sat down in the chair in front of Harry's desk. "Were you looking for more information about Fyrefox?"

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