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Heat warmed Ginny's face, and it crawled through her body. Her heart pounded as she tightened her fist around her bag strap. She stomped past tables and the Leaky Cauldron patrons. How dare Neville bring up that bastard? How dare he? If she didn't step out of the public eye right now, her temper would flare, and that meant bad things.

Some nasty choice words were on the tip of her tongue when she collided with someone. She stumbled but caught herself before she hit a table of drunk wizards. She exhaled, unclenching her fists. Relax. But why couldn't people just look where they were going? She turned. "Watch- oh, it's you." Today just wasn't her day.

"Weaslette," Draco Malfoy said, grinning.

"There's no need for that." She took a step to the side, but he blocked the way. She pursed her lips. "Let me through so I can destroy something, preferably where there aren't so many witnesses." Her temper begged to get out.

He chuckled, and her eyes narrowed. What was with him? Was he was drunk?

He leaned forward and whispered, "Let me buy you a drink." His breath brushed against her skin.

But she wanted nothing to do with him. She was in a mood, and he would just make it worse. "No. Better things to do then have a drink with you." She pushed around him and started for the door.

"Better than discussing a job offer?" he asked.

She stopped in her track, back to him. A job offer? Her mood lifted. "I'm in between jobs right now," she admitted, turning around.

"I'm sure," he said, nodding.

What did he know? Better yet, what did he want?

She took a few steps and stopped in front of him. She scrutinized his pale blond hair that fell to his shoulders, framing his aristocratic face. His charcoal gray silk dress shirt was tailored to his upper body and his black trousers snug against his legs. When her eyes returned to his face, he flashed a wicked grin. She rolled her eyes.

Too bad he was mad, it ran in his veins. At least it had to with a father like Lucius Malfoy and an aunt like Bellatrix Lestrange. But his views and beliefs didn't matter. All she cared about was the money and the things she could procure for people. If that's what he needed, well, that she could provide for him.

"Do you approve?" He tilted his head.

"You're not my type." She shrugged, leaning against an empty table. Why did men always want to discuss personal stuff? Hadn't he mentioned a job? 

An eyebrow rose. "What? Good looking wizards?"

She straightened. "Ferrets," she told him, poking his chest. "Now, get to the point."

"As you wish." He bowed. "Little Weasel- Well, you aren't little any longer, are you?" He took a step back and looked her over. She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Quit it, or I'm walking."

The left side of his lips tilted slightly, and he grabbed her arm, pulling her towards the door. "Yes, I know what you do, and I'd like you to retrieve something special... It belonged to my late mother," he said, his voice dropping faintly. Ginny hadn't even known that Narcissa had died. A pang of loss rolled through her, but she pushed it down.

But at the end of the day, this was her job. Who came to her didn't change that. "How about you buy me that drink now?"

He laid his hand on her arm, stopping her, his eyebrows knitted together with a hard look. "First you tell me you'll do what I ask."

Her eyes narrowed then after a moment, she nodded. "Yes, I'll get back whatever was your mum's."

He grinned, releasing her arm. "Splendid." He looked over her shoulder then back at her. "Now, let's get that drink."

Bad [Harry Potter Fanfiction] (Bad Series: 1)Where stories live. Discover now