30 | Promise me.

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The bell chimed above the door as Ginny stepped out of Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. Her hand tightened on the bag, a grin forming on her lips. This was one hell of a dress. She was going to surprise the hell out of them all and steal the Black Locket.

Someone called and waved at her, and she smiled, hurrying by. Now, the only question was whether to go as herself or use a disguise. It didn't matter what Malfoy said. This was her job. She'd only gone as herself at the Alliance Ball at the Ministry because that wasn't a job. That was personal. If she wanted to keep retrieving items, she couldn't keep showing her true-face if things were going to go missing. She'd been mulling over going in glamour against Malfoy's wishes since this morning when she woke up in Harry's arm.

Her smile grew then fell. Harry. Merlin, what was she doing? She turned down towards the Leaky Cauldron. She needed food, maybe a drink. Was it too early for a drink?

Sighing, she ran a hand over her face. Last night before he had shown up for dinner, she still hadn't come up with any answers to what she was doing. Harry had hurt her. He'd turned his back on them. So what if it was for one of the noblest reasons ever. The world would always need him. She had needed him too. 

And then they slept together. Laying side by side on her bed. Touching. So close. What the hell was she doing? 

The only thing that she was certain about was she wanted him. Last night cemented that. Waking up to him... She never thought she would have that again.

The Leaky Cauldron came into view, and she pushed Harry from her thoughts. Later she would give it a good thought. Settle what she was feeling and what she wanted to do. Later.

Stepping through the entrance to the pub, it took her eyes a moment to adjust to the dim lighting. She slipped past a few children running around and a couple getting up to leave and sat at the bar, smiling at Hannah when the woman caught her eye. 

Hannah walked over. "Ginny, how are you?" She leaned over the bar to hug her.

"Good, just finished a bit of shopping." Ginny held up her bag. 

"Ooooh, what did you get?" Hannah's eyes lit up. 

"A new dress for a party," Ginny said, leaning forward on the bar. "You know, it's nice to let loose every once in a while."

Hannah nodded. "Yes, that's so important." She smiled. "Let me get you a Butterbeer. And how about a sandwich?"

"Chicken, please," Ginny called as the woman moved away from her.

Ten minutes, she returned with a plate and a Butterbeer. Ginny smiled. "Thank you. I'm starving!"

"Of course." She started to turn away, but Ginny called her back.

"How's Neville? Is he prepared to go back to Hogwarts? Terms almost here." Ginny hadn't seen a lot of children in Diagon Alley, but it was only a handful of weeks away.

Hannah laughed, shaking her head and sending her twin braids dancing around her. "Neville's been ready since the first week off! Though he'll never admit it."

Ginny laughed with her as she watched the other woman. She spoke a bit more about Neville, and Ginny's heart squeezed. This witch loved her best friend. She was happy for them, for Neville. 

"So, when's the wedding?" she teased.

Hannah flushed and covered her cheeks. "Ginny!"

"C'mon. You love him, he loves you. Don't tell me you're waiting for a little Longbottom before you marry?" She tilted her head.

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