7. On the Moria Road

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"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong

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"Light thinks it travels faster than anything
but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels,
it finds the darkness has always got there
first, and is waiting for it."

― Terry Pratchett, Reaper Man

7. On the Moria Road

"She has said all these things to you and only now you realize she is not a normal cat? You must be the dullest elf in Middle-earth," grumbled Gandalf, shaking his head in annoyance. He was walking quickly, hurrying to reach the gate of Moria before sunset, and Kat had to run to keep up.

Now the wizard turned to her. "Tell me exactly what Námo said."

Who is Námo? she asked Legolas. He was still acting all strange around her or she would have climbed onto his shoulder. Cats were not built for jogging.

I think he must be the one you thought had a pretty voice. He's the Vala responsible for judging those who passed away. Everyone comes to his Halls when they die.


I told you about the Valar before, in the Tale of the Silmarils, remember? They made the Trees which gave the Silmarils their light and power. And they made the world.

Oh, yes I remember now. I thought that was a fairy-tale. Didn't God create your world?

If by 'God' you mean Eru Illúvatar – the One – then aye, he did that indirectly. He created the Valar and other similar beings and together they sang the world into existence after his plan.

Wow. That's beautiful.

"Hello? Is she replying?" asked Gandalf impatiently.

"Sorry, I had to explain who Námo is."

"Get on with it."

I can't remember word for word – he talked kind of weird, you know – but first he said I was to join the Fellowship for a while. Apparently then I must 'take my own path' and save someone important. Bad things happen if he dies – a land 'cast into oblivion' or something ominous like that. When I asked who I must save, Mr Pre– Námo – said it was the one who climbs into the king's vessel at night. And that was it."

When Legolas had recounted that, the wizard thoughtfully began to chew on a strand of his beard. "King's vessel..." he muttered, glancing at Aragorn.

"I do not own any vessels," said Aragorn.

"But which other king could it be? Legolas' father?"

Wait, what? Aragorn's a king... and you're a... prince?

Legolas shrugged. Aye.

Oh my God... I have been so disrespectful. I'm sorry, Your Highness! I didn't know!

Cat of the Fellowship // Legolas x OC, Boromir x OCWhere stories live. Discover now