13. Caras Galadhon

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"They always gives me bath salts," complained Nobby

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"They always gives me bath
salts," complained Nobby.
"And bath soap and bubble
bath and herbal bath lumps
and tons of bath stuff
and I can't think why,
'cos it's not as if I hardly ever
has a bath. You'd think they'd
take the hint, wouldn't you?"

― Terry Pratchett, Hogfather

13. Caras Galadhon

Being blindfolded for such a long time was uncomfortable, and the soft rocking motions from being carried made Kat slightly nauseous. With her exceptional sense of smell it was stupid anyway; she knew that if she wanted to, she could easily track their steps backwards and discover the way to the hidden city.

In addition, it was confusing not to be able to measure time by the position of the sun. It brought back not-so-nice memories from the darkness of Moria. Legolas had hated it there. How did he feel now? He had been walking in silence almost the entire time, now.

When they stopped at last, it was cooler, and the cloth over Kat's eyes let in enough light to make her know it was evening. Haldir said they would stay the night here, and to Kat's relief they would sleep on the ground. They had come deep enough into the forest to be safe from orcs and wargs.

Sadly their blindfolds must stay on even at night, but at least they were served a lovely supper, a lot better than the fare they had had so far. Haldir and his elven companion even gave them fresh meat! It was delicious.

When they made themselves ready to sleep, Kat followed her nose to find Legolas and snuggle up with him as usual, and heard Nellas come after her. When the elf woman also lay down there, Legolas started in surprise and said something in his own language. Nellas did not reply.

What's wrong? asked Kat.

She put her bed next to mine. It is very inappropriate!

But earlier you said... something I'll not repeat. I'm sure you remember. The fact that Nellas and Haldir could hear Kat's thoughts was making mental conversation so much more difficult.

I said she was like a child, I know, but she does not look that way, and she is of age. It is not proper for adult elves to sleep together unless they are husband and wife!

I'm an adult too, remember? Calm down. We won't jump on you and seduce you in your sleep.

Is Legolas embarrassed over all the ladies who want to share his bed? asked Haldir. His inner voice was full of mirth.

You just gave me very disturbing mental images, thought Legolas at the same time.

Just shush and sleep. Both of you.

The blind journey continued in the morning, and not until after several hours did they get another break to rest their legs. Well, to rest the legs of those who unlike Kat did not have the luxury of being carried.

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