55. Aye!

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"Cats gravitate to kitchens like rocks gravitate to gravity

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"Cats gravitate to kitchens
like rocks gravitate to gravity."

― Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad

55. Aye!

Through clouds of smoke, Kat watched the guests arrive with a sinking feeling. Who had invited the darn king and queen? If she had known, she would certainly not have decided on a barbecue for a bachelor/bachelorette party.

"You are burning them," said Legolas unhelpfully, looking over her shoulder.

"Did you tell Aragorn to come?" she hissed.

"I should not have?"

"You could at least... but never mind. Done is done. Just go away."

"Never." He hugged her from behind and kissed her cheek, making her smile and forget her nervousness. Since Legolas proposed he had hardly left her side, and had refused to have a bachelor's party unless they had one together.

"Get a room." Chuckling, Gimli joined them. "This smells good," he added.

"You like sooty sausages?" asked Legolas.

"Ach, yes, then you know they're well done."

"Do you want help?" Sam had also gravitated towards the fire, and looked to be itching to take over.

"Yes please!" Kat gratefully gave him the tongs.

"Meoww!" Two more guests had arrived: the tomcat and a pretty cat lady, a blue-eyed Siamese.

"The Stillness Before Dawn says he has forgiven you for becoming human," Legolas translated. "This is the new love of his life. Meet Miss Rooftop Hunter."

A while later they sat cross-legged on the blankets Kat and Legolas had prepared in the garden, munching on Sam's delicious chips served with Kat's burned sausages and dry excuses for burgers, while the cats loudly begged for tidbits and got more than they could eat.

Kat shyly glanced at the King of Gondor, but he actually seemed to like the food. Maybe becoming king hadn't changed him that much; deep down he was still Strider the Ranger, glad of any meal he could get his hands on.

The fine ladies Arwen and Éowyn proved to be quite normal too, and a bit surprisingly they both liked beer, almost on a par with Gimli. After seeing the queen empty a mug, wipe the froth from her delicate lips and burp discreetly, Kat's initial awkwardness completely disappeared.

Leaning her head on Legolas' broad shoulder, she reveled in the bliss of being in good company, pleasantly sated and madly in love.

"So... This is what people eat in your world?" asked Pippin, his mouth full of mixed foods. With various success he had tried barbequing slices of bread, a walnut, an unripe lemon, rosebuds and a block of cheese.

Cat of the Fellowship // Legolas x OC, Boromir x OCWhere stories live. Discover now