23. The Eagle Flies

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"Do you know how wizards like to be buried?""Yes!""Well, how?"Granny Weatherwax paused at the bottom of the stairs

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"Do you know how wizards
like to be buried?"
"Well, how?"
Granny Weatherwax paused at
the bottom of the stairs. "Reluctantly."

― Terry Pratchett, Equal Rites

23. The Eagle Flies

"It's Saruman," cried Gimli. "Your bow, Legolas, bend it! Don't let him put a spell on us; shoot first!"

Legolas took his bow and held an arrow losely in his hand, hesitating.

"What are you waiting for?" hissed Gimli.

"Legolas is right," murmured Aragorn. "We cannot shoot an old man unprovoked."

"Well met, my friends," said the man. It was impossible to make out his face; the brim of his large hat covered him entirely.

He took a step closer, and when his cloak fluttered a hint of white was visible from underneath it.

"Stop him, Legolas!" yelled Gimli, giving his friend a shove.

Kat's fur was bristling and she contemplated attacking the stranger with her claws; it had worked to distract the orc that time. But what if Aragorn was right and this was an innocent old man, not an evil wizard?

"I wish to speak with you. Put that bow away, Master Elf!" As soon as the words had left the man's lips, the weapon fell uselessly from Legolas' hands. "And you take your hand away from that axe, Master Dwarf, and you pull those claws in, Miss Cat!"

All strength left Kat, leaving her body limp and powerless; she could not even run away. By the look on Gimli's face, she knew the same had happened to him. This was not a harmless man; it was a wizard, for sure. What would he do to them?

The wizard bent forward, looking at them from under his hat. "An elf, a man, a dwarf and a cat, travelling together. No doubt there is an interesting tale behind this. I should like to hear it."

"Might we know your name?" asked Aragorn warily.

"My name?" The man chuckled. "Have you not guessed already? You have heard it before, I think. Yes, you have heard it before." Then he added merrily: "And I know why you are here. Tracking two hobbits, so you are. Yes, hobbits, don't look so surprised."

Kat felt a chill seep through her veins. He knew about Merry and Pippin! Had he taken them?

"They came here the day before yesterday," the stranger continued, "and met someone they did not expect. Perhaps you want to know where they were taken? I may have some news about that. Let us sit and talk more comfortably." He started to walk towards a fallen tree.

As soon as the wizard's back was turned, the strange weakness left Kat, and her friends were released from their petrification as well. They readied their weapons again and crept closer.

Cat of the Fellowship // Legolas x OC, Boromir x OCWhere stories live. Discover now