52. Love Is in the Air

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"I'd like to commit hanky-panky with you,Miss Adora Belle Dearheart

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"I'd like to commit hanky-panky with you,
Miss Adora Belle Dearheart...
well, certainly hanky, and possibly panky
when we get to know one another better."

― Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

52. Love Is in the Air

Lately there had been much too few opportunities for kissing. Boromir had been obliged to return earlier to Minas Tirith and make certain arrangements for the coronation, and though Nellas of course went with him, he had an annoying following of guards that made intimacy impossible during the ride. He had hinted at getting betrothed after the war, and now it was after the war – what was he waiting for?

Upon arrival Boromir headed directly to the citadel where Faramir had temporarily led the city during his absence. Nellas quite liked Faramir, the little she had spoken with him; he seemed gentle and kind. Like his brother he was handsome, with dark hair and a neat beard, but he lacked some of Boromir's raw masculinity; that sense of tightly controlled strength that she found so attractive in him.

The brothers greeted each other with a rough embrace, and then Boromir fired questions at Faramir. How was their father? How far had the rebuilding process come along? What arrangements had been made for Aragorn's coronation, and had a house been prepared for him to live in afterwards? Where would the Dúnedain and his friends from the Fellowship reside?

Faramir answered satisfactorily; it seemed he had kept himself busy while Boromir was at Cormallen.

"I know I could trust you, little brother! You have thought of everything."

"Indeed." He smiled and gave Boromir a light shove. "You did not have to leave the others so soon on my account."

"Actually I had another reason to come; something we must discuss. Aragorn has offered me to become steward."

"Steward? Like father?"

"Not quite. Father had all the responsibilities of a king, because there was none – but for me, it would be more like when the office was first installed. Someone who serves and protects the country and remains at the king's side."

"Good," said Nellas. "You like Aragorn."

"I do." He gave her a brief smile, before turning back to Faramir. "The problem is, I worry that our people will think Father has been slighted. Not many know what state he is in."

"Maybe we could invite the city council and explain the situation to them, and let a few of them meet him? I think he can handle visitors if there are not too many, and preferably some he knows well. We could have a small ceremony where we help Father give the rod of office to you, and afterwards the council announce the news to the people."

Boromir smacked his fist against his palm. "Great! The people trust the council."

"And when Aragorn arrives we summon everyone to the gate, where you pass the rod to him, showing them that he will be the new ruler," Faramir continued. "That way people will see for themselves he is not taking the crown by force."

Cat of the Fellowship // Legolas x OC, Boromir x OCWhere stories live. Discover now