53. Of White Trees and Dates

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"Nanny's philosophy of life was to dowhat seemed like a good idea at the time,and do it as hard as possible

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"Nanny's philosophy of life was to do
what seemed like a good idea at the time,
and do it as hard as possible.
It had never let her down."

― Terry Pratchett, Maskerade

53. Of White Trees and Dates

A small crowd had already gathered outside the citadel when Kat and Nellas arrived; fine folk that Kat didn't know. She had no idea what would happen, for King Elessar, as Aragorn now was called, had been very secretive when he summoned them that afternoon and he had not yet arrived.

Nellas disappeared into the crowd and reappeared beside Boromir in the center of the courtyard by the dead tree.

Kat scanned the people for the others of the Fellowship and found them lined up by the wall overlooking the city. As usual her eyes were drawn to Legolas.

She had planned to deliver Námo's message to him today. It would be her first opportunity since the coronation, for they had been staying in different houses; he resided with the male Fellowship members here at the top circle while Kat shared a room with Nellas near the Houses of Healing.

Nellas had spent most of the past days with Denethor, singing to him and taking him on walks in the garden, and Kat was too intimidated by the city people to go visit the others alone. They didn't do anything, but they stared in a way that she hated.

Instead she had joined Nellas, relaxing in the beautiful environment, eating well and listening to the inspiring sounds of the city being rebuilt after the war, and acting as a chaperon whenever Boromir came to visit them – which was often.

None of the others had come, but Kat had tried not to mind, telling herself they were probably busy resting, eating and settling in as well, but at the same time she worried Legolas was keeping himself away to protect his heart.

Vairë had said Námo's words would help Legolas decide if he hesitated, so now she joined him at the wall, gathering her courage to convey the message.

To her surprise Legolas greeted her with a warm smile and looked at her with a gaze that didn't waver. There was something different in his countenance; the awkwardness and embarrassment from before seemed gone.

"There you are at last. I missed you." His eyes had still not left hers.

Kat's stomach filled with butterflies. Why would he say that? And if he had missed her so much, then why hadn't he visited her?

Shyly she turned her gaze down, but instantly regretted it as she felt the usual weightless lurch in her stomach at the sheer drop. She took a quick step backwards. "Aah... I hate high places."

"I know." He took her hand and put it on his arm, pulling her closer in the act. "Yet, at Mount Doom you defied your fear; that must have taken courage. I admire your fortitude."

Cat of the Fellowship // Legolas x OC, Boromir x OCWhere stories live. Discover now