51. Inappropriate Thoughts

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"The Feegles believe that they are dead

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"The Feegles believe that they are dead.
This world is so nice, they argue,
that they must have been really good in a
past life and then died and ended up here."

― Terry Pratchett, Wintersmith

51. Inappropriate Thoughts

The Fellowship was complete, all together in Aragorn's pavilion where he had invited them to share a celebration meal. Aragorn presided at the head of the table with Frodo at one side and Sam at the other. Still marked by their wearisome journey, their faces were thin and their appetite huge even by hobbit standards.

Legolas sat between Gandalf and Boromir, the latter who was not-so-subtly holding hands with Nellas. She hadn't been invited – but like when she followed the Fellowship without permission, it seemed no rules applied to her. Now she and Boromir were having a cheerful conversation with Pippin, Merry, Gimli and Kat, something about what food people ate in Kat's old world.

After losing her initial awkwardness, Legolas was glad to see that Kat fit in like she had never been anything but a woman, and with the wine loosening her tongue she seemed less intimidated by the language barrier as well. She gesticulated animatedly while speaking, her dark eyes sparkling in the candlelight and her unusually straight teeth flashing white whenever she smiled – which was often.

Checking himself, Legolas guiltily averted his gaze. His eyes tended to stray her way more often than not, as if they had a life of their own. It must be that accursed Mirror's fault. Though she wore clothes now, Kat's womanly shape made him recall the forbidden images – and the more he tried to banish them, the more stubbornly they returned.

Apart from being ashamed over his weakness and lack of self-discipline, Legolas was genuinely happy to have her back in Middle-earth. Their conversation earlier had made him remember how much he enjoyed being with her, and how much he had missed her humor and kindness. Hopefully Aragorn would allow her to settle in Minas Tirith once he was crowned, and if Legolas stayed here in Ithilien for a while it would be easy to meet every now and then and keep their friendship. He had promised to linger in Middle-earth for the duration of her life and had every intention to keep that promise.

Aragorn pulled out his chair and raised his hands to get the others' attention. All eyes turned to him expectantly.

"At last the Fellowship is whole again, reunited here at Cormallen. Nine we set out from Rivendell, one we gained on the road..."

"Two," Nellas interrupted.

Ignoring her, Aragorn continued: "Many hardships we endured on our separate paths during the quest, much distress and toil, but our labor was not in vain. The Dark Lord is no more, and the world shall see peace; lasting peace."

The speech carried on at length, revolving around past deeds and a promising future. When he had finished, Aragorn turned to Kat. "I have already thanked Frodo and Sam for their part in the destruction of the Ring, and now I must also thank you, Miss Katharina. Yours has been a dark road, and a difficult task. I know now it is my descendants you have helped save." He bowed gracefully. "Thank you."

Cat of the Fellowship // Legolas x OC, Boromir x OCWhere stories live. Discover now