Chapter 21

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I should tell her who i am and why i started talking to her in the first place. But if i do then a lot of things could go drastically wrong and a certain someone would be a really pissed if i told her.

    The certain someone wouild probably blame me if Aya go angry at him, which she would if i told her why i started talking to her. But in reality it would be his fualt if or when she gets angry. It's not my fault.

 I get a message and look at my computer to see that, speak of the devil, the certain person wants to talk to me right now.

   'What did you tell her?' He wants to know and i sigh.

  'Nothing... She wants to know who i am, but i haven't told her anything... yet,' i explain.

    'You better not crack and tell her anything. We olny started doing this so i could get some leverage on her, but i don't want to do it anymore. So, i don't see why you are still talking to her under the 'Quarterback' namee," he replies.

   I don't know why i am either. At first it was because i was doing what the certain person wanted me to do and i had no problem doing it either, and when he said he thought we should stop i kept talking to her, without him knowing, to see why he wanted to stop, and now i have no idea why i am still talking to her under the chatting thing.

 'I won't tell her anything because if she ever found out what you and i were doing in the beginning, she would freak out. And i wouldn't blame her one bit," I explain and it's the truth.

What we were doing in the beginning was total dick moves and if Aya were to ever find out she would have every right to be pissed and hurt.

   'I know... I wouldn't blame her for being pissed either,' he types back...


  The next day we have practice right after school and i sigh. I have to talk to Coach today. I have to talk to him to allow me to actually play in the varsity game tomorrow. I know, i can't decide f it's lame that we have a game then one practice then another game, but oh well.

  He put me on varsity for a reason and i want to play so badly. It's not fair to me if i just sit on the bench the entire game.

  "Go get'em tiger," Max says and grins.

"He's going to laugh in my face,"I whine and Max rolls his eyes at me.

    "Be a man, Jones,"

"But i'm a girl," I reply.

 "semantics," Max says with another exaggerated eye roll.

  "don't roll your eyes at me!"I say with a grin.

   "Anything you say, O great one. I live only to pelse you," Max says in a sarcastic tone.

"Don't be a smart alack. It isn't very attractice on you,"I say with a smirrk.

  "You're one to talk. You are like the queen of sarcasticness,"

   "Is sarcasticness even a word?" I ask him and he thinks about it for a while.

  "I...I think so," he replies and shrugs. "But who knows? Not me," he continues.

   "Hey! Why are you procrastinating, Aya?! Go talk to Coach,"Bryson says as he walks over to us and hears the last part of our conversation.

 "I was going to go oer there in a few seconds," I lie and Bryson rolls his eyes at me.

"Sure you were, but it doesn't matter because you are going to go over there right now," Bryson states and lightly pushes me in the right direction.

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