Chapter 18

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    On Monday i shake off my nervousness as i see Aya's car pull into the parking lot. I can do this. It's not that big of a deal that everyone is going to know that i am dating her. I don't really care what they think of us going out, it's just that i don't want Sharon or anybody else to screw this up for Aya and me.

   "Hey," she says as i walk over to her. I kiss her lightly and sigh. I really like kissing her....

     "Hey, babe, how's it going?" I ask and she grins at me.

"Lame conversation topic,"she replies and i raise my eyebrows.

   "Oh really? And what is a good conversation topic? Hey, are you excited about that game this week? How's the weather at your house? Hey, i just wanted to say that i really like you. Hey, i just wanted to say thanks for wanting to be my girlfriend? Hey,i just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number. SO call me... Maybe," I say and start singing by the end.

   I know i probably sound like an idiot, but it's worth it when Aya starts laughing.

"No, doofes. Wow... You need help, and it's the kind that i cannot give you," she says and i pull her to me. When i look around i notice that everyone in the parking lot is full out, and when i say full out i mean full blown out eye eye, staring at us. It's kind of creepy actually, and Aya starts blushing.

    "You sure you want to go through with this?"I ask her and she nods.

"Yeah, i'm pretty sure,"

   "Well, be prepared for a butt load of gossip,"I say and like clock work, the talking starts.

By the time lunch rolls around i have gotten all kinds of looks today. From skeptic and happy to pissed off and sad. It is the most insane thing ever. The pissed off looks mostly come from Sharon's friends and Sharon herself, but there are a few girls that i don't even know who are practically roasting me on a stick over a camp fire.

   Aya sits down beside me and Max plops down beside her, and soon the football team just all comes and sits next to us.

      "So, has anyone heard the latest news?"Max asks and Maggie plops down next to him and grabs ahold of his hand.

  "What news?" I ask and Max wiggles his eyebrows at me.

    "The latest BryAnna news of corse," he says and i roll my eyes.

  "BryAnna?"I ask and he grins.

   "It's been going around. But apparently, you and Miss Jones are going to elope next weekend and that you're keeping it on the DL so your parents won't kick you out of your house," Max says and everybody starts laughing.

     "What's DL?" Oneof the younger varsity kids asks and everybody grins, but Max pratically spits flames at him.

  "Would you keep up with the lingo? Jeez, what has this world come to?  It's down low," Max says to the kid and the kid holds up his hands in mock surrender. He fits in really well with us because he doesn't let anything or anyone, especailly MAx, intimidate him.

   "My bad, Maxie, my freaaking bad," the kid says and Max raisees his fist at him.

"I will pound you so far into the ground that you won't see sunlight for days," Max threatens.

   "I would like to see you try," the kid retaliates and Max scowls at him before going back to eating his lunch.

       A couple of the older guys high five the kid for being the one to get MAx to shut up.

"So, you want to elope with me?"I joke to Aya and she smirks at me.

   "Naw, don't feel like it," she replies and all the guys start making cat callls.

 "Ahhhh snap,"


"Dang, he got told,"

  "Well, well, well if it isn't the slut and her boy toy," Sharon sneers and stands right behind Aya. Aya clenches her fists and i glare at Sharon.

   "What do you wan,t Sharon?"I snap and she glances at me.

 "Not you, but you might want to be careful, Aya might cheat on you because she only likes my boyfriends," she explains and Aya jumps out of her seat and swings her fist at Sharon . Except the fist never connects with Sharon's face because Caleb has Aya's fist in his hand.

    "Don't hit my girlfriend," Caleb snaps and Aya raises her eyebrows at him. I am confused too because there is no way Sharon would go out with a younger boy. Sure he's only a year younger, but Sharon has never dated younger.

  "Girlfriend?"Aya asks and stares at Caleb.

   "That's right, but don't be jealous, you had your chance and decided that i wasn't good enough for you," Caleb says.

 "I never said that,"Aya says and Caleb glares at her.

  "I know what you ment though," Caleb snaps and towers over Aya and tries to look intimadatiing.

    I stand up and grab Caleb by the shoulders and shove him away from Aya. He stumbles, but quickly catches his blance and starts towards me with a pissed off expression.

  Max stands up and gets between Caled and me.

   "Now, children, let's not start fighting in front of the girls," Max suggests and Sharon snorts.

"Girl, as in one girl not two. Aya is not a girl, she doens't act like one, smell like one, or even look like one," Sharon says and Aya's mouth drops open.


 I stare at Sharon in shock. I can't believe she just said that. I mean, sure i play football, but seriously? I can feel my face starting to get red when everyone looks at me.

  It's not in my nature to run away, but right now i really can't take it anymore. I turn around and run from the luncch room and sprint into the bathroom.

   I stand in front of the mirror and stare at my reflection. I didn't think that i looked like a boy. I have my hair up in it's usual pony tail and i have no make up on.

   I rip my hair out of it's pony tail and it falls around my shoulders in waves. I am wearing a stupid camp shirt that is gray and jeans. Why does Bryson even like me?

 "Aya?" Bryson's voice calls from outside the door.

  "Go away,"I shout and i hear him sigh.

"Either you come out or i will come in," Bryson says and i  sigh.

   "This is a girls bathroom, Bryson,"I mutter and he chuckles.

  "So?! Don't listen to Sharon, you don't look like a guy. And you deffinetly smell like a girl and look like one," he says and i sit on the counter and feel tears well in my eyes.

   The door opens and i stare at Bryson in shock. I never thought he would actually come in here.

   "What are you doing? Get out," I say, but he just walks over to me and shakes his head.

     He cups my face in his hands and kisses my nose.

  "You are beautiful," he says and i shake my head.

    "No, i'm not. Everybody knows i'm not. I wear plain clothes, i never have my hair down, and i don't wear make up," I say sadly and he brushes my tears off my cheeks.

   "That's not what makes someone beautiful. You don't need fancy clothes, or make up, and Sharon is just jealous that she can't look as beautiful as you do even with all her make up on," he explains and i lean my head into his chest.

  "Why do you even like me when you could basically have any girl you wanted," I say and he kisses me softly.

  "Because their not you,"





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