Chapter 27

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As i walk up Bryson's stairs and up to his front door and i take a deep breath before knocking. School ended a couple hours ago, so practice should be done and he should be home. Hopefully.

 Maggie opens the door and stares at me in shock.

"Uh, Aya, what are you doing here?" She asks and i grin at her and she looks even more surprised.

   "I'm here to see Bryson and apologize for the way i have been acting," I explain and, not even sure how it's possible, but she looks even MORE surprised.

"Wh--," she begins but i shake my head and step into the house.

"I really don't have time to answer that, sorry, but this is really ergent," I say and Maggie points up the stairs to his room and i jog past her.

I take the stairs two at a time and don't even knock on his door, i just step into the room. Bryson looks over at me in surprise and i smile.


"Um, hi," he answer cautiously and takes a hesitant step towards me.

"Look, i came here to tell you how sorry i am. I know what you saw on that stupid slide show hurt you, and i don't even know what came over me to kiss that guy, but i was hurting because of your betrayle and i just wanted it to stop hurting. So, i did it and i do regret it, but i wanted you to know that i am really really sorry. I am also sorry i didn't give you the chance to explain what you and Jake were doing and why you did it," I begin to explain and Bryson sits down on his bed with a sigh.

I bite my lip and look at him form under my lashes.

"Bryson... I know that i am really hard to be with. I know that. But if you could find it in you, i still really really like you and i want to get back together,"I continue and he stares at me.

  "Aya... Where were you today?" He asks and i furrow my brows in confusion.

"I left because i couldn't be at the school any longer, so i left and i talked to someone and he made me realize how much i still like you and that i do forgive you for betraying me," I explain and he nods.

    "Aya... I know this is really off subject, but Coach is really pissed at you," Bryson says and i step towards him. He stands up from the bed and moves away from me.

 I try to stop my face from scrunching up in pain, but i can't help it. I purse my lips and look at the ground. Bryson sighs and slowly walks towards me.

   "I...I'm sorry... It's just.." he starts, but can't finish and i nod and look away from him.

"I didn't realize how much i had hurt you. Or, i guess i just misunderstood your feelings for me," I whisper and stumble back a couple steps before turning and rushing out of the room. I am almost all the way down the stairs when Bryson calls my name and i stop.

   "It's not that. You didn't misunderstand my feelings for you, i promise. I'm.... I'm just trying to process what's going on," he says, but i don't turn around.

I hear him come down the stairs and he touches my shoulders and turns me around. He tilts my chin up until i have to meet his eyes and he smiles at me and my heart melts all over again.

   "That's all i've been wanting to do for the past week is get back together with you, but i was giving you time to forgive me before i really tried to win you back. But i'm just really worried about your football playing. Coach heard about that drug thing and even though i know that you didn't deal drugs, he's not to sure. I really tried to convince him, but he won't change his mind," Bryson explains and i bite my lip again.

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