Chapter 17

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 I hear the sound of somone snoring in my ear and i roll away from the noise because it is really annoying, but also kind of cute.

   I squint open my eyes and look for my clock to see what time it is, except it's not there and neither is my pink nightstand. What in the world?

I roll back over to the snoring sound and see a guy's body curled up next to mine. Oh, no, not freaking again!  How does this always happen to me? I just don't understand this maddness.

   I cautiously look at his face and see that it is Bryson. Ok, this is deffinetly weird.

He groans and his eyes flutter open and immediatly lock on my face. His face breaks out in a smile and i smile tentively back.

    "Good morning," he mumbles.

"Uh, morning," i say and he grins.

   "You don't remember what happened last night do you?" He asks and i scowl at him.

"Why would ask that if you know the answer?" I say and that makes his grin spread wider.

   "Grumpy, are we this morning?" He says and i stick my tongue out at him.

"Were you at the party last night?" I ask, but he shakes his head.

    "No, i wasn't even planning on going, but Jake got a text saying that Max took you to the party and i figured i better go get you before something happened, but when i got there you were already drunk and playing spin the bottle," he explains and i blush when i remember the bottle landing on him and him kissing me.

  "How did i get drunk?" I ask and he shrugs.

"Probably Max," he says and i glare at the floor.

  If that jerk put something in my drink last night i will seriously kill him. Not even joking.

"Why am i in your room?"I ask and he shrugs.

   "Because you walked in here last night after i dumped you in Maggie's room,"

"Oh..." I reply and he stretches his arms above his head and i look down and realize that he is not wearing a shirt...

    "You like what you see?" He says with a smirk and i quickly avert my eyes and hear him chuckle.

"I wasn't looking," I lie.

   "Sure you weren't," he replies and jumps out of bed.

"I wasn't'!"

  "Lies," he says and i punch his arm. He dramatically holds the spot where i hit him and falls to the ground.  "The pain! It hurts! Aya, make it go away".

I roll my eyes and shove him over. He laughs and stands up before picking me up and carrying me out of his room and down the stairs.

    "What are you doing, idiot?" I ask but he just continues carrying me.

"You'll see," is all he says.

  I sigh and look up at his face. After a while he realizes that i am looking at him and he looks down at me and smiles shyly. I blink in surprise. I never thought i would see the day Bryson would be even a little shy.

     "Why are you looking at me like that?" He asks and i shrug.


 "You are a very difficult person, you know that?" He asks and i grin.

   "Oh i know,"

We go outside and he brings us down to his pool and stops rigght by the edge of it.

   "Uh, what do you think.."I begin, but i don't get to finish my thought because he throws me in the water. I pop back up and glare at him. "Why would you do that?" I yell and he grins and holds out his hand to help me out.

   I grab his hand and yank him into the pool with me and start laughing when he pops back up and scowls at me.

 "Karma,"I reply with a wicked grin.

   "I will get you back for that,"he replies and swims over to me. I laugh and swim away.

"Come and get me,"I reply before jumping out of the pool and running away.

   I hear him coming after me and i sprint into the house dripping wet. I hide behind his couch and hear him curse as he slides into a wall, unable to stop himself.

   I hold in my laugh, but he finds me anyway.

"Hey, there pretty lady," he replies and tackles me to the floor. I yelp as he land on the floor, hard, with him on top.

   "Gotcha,"he replies and stares at me with a look of victory about him.I struggle to get up, but he pins down my arms and looks at my lips. I see his eyes flick away before coming back to rest on my eyes. He holds my look and bends down to kiss me on the lips.

     I sit there for a minute before responding to his kiss. He lets go of my arms and i wrap them around him. He is practically laying ontop of me, but i don't really care because he is freaking kissing me.

"Whoa! Did not need to see that," Maggie says and Bryson leaps off of me. I slowly stand up and smile sheepishly at Maggie. She raises her eyebrows and Bryson's face is beat red.

   "We weren't.." He starts and Maggie shakes her head.

"Save it, Bry, i know what i saw. but you know what, i think it's a good idea," she replies and walks away from us and into the kitchen.

  I look over at Bryson and he looks back at me with a small smile.

 "Wanna watch a movie?"He asks and i grin.

"sure," i reply and we sit down and watch the last Harry Potter movie Part 2.

   He slides over next to me and i can barely consentrate on the the movie with him being so close to me. After a while he takes my hand in his and i can't keep the grin off my face.

  "Woah, woah, woah, this is news to me,"Jake says as he walks into the living room. I try to not feel sad when Bryson drops my hand like it's on fire and quickly scoots away from me.

  "You don't understand what's going on," he tells Jake and Jake rolls his eyes.

 "Jeez, Bry, just chill. I can tell you want to keep this on the down-low, but seriously? It's not that big of a deal," Jake says and grins at me.

    "I just.. Don't understand what's going yet either,"Bryson says and gives me that look again.

 "Well, i guess i'll just leave you two alone then," Jake says and walks into the kitchen to talk to Maggie.

    "Do you not want to tell anyone that we are like each other?"I ask him and he sighs. He slides back over to me and takes my face in his hands.

  "It's not that, it's just that i don't want people to talk about us, but especially you. I don't want Sharon to target you, becuase i know she will," he explains and i nod.

   "I can handle it though,"I say and he squeezes his eyes shut.

 After a while he sighs and nods.

   "Ok, we can try, and i will be there for you, ok?" He says and i smile.

     "Works for me,"






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