Chapter 8

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'" Hey, Aya, can i come to your house for a little while?"Max asks after i am changed out andd heading to my car after the game.

"Yeah, i'm sure my mom won't mind,"I reply.

"Great! We could paint our fingernails, brush out hair, and talk about boys all night long," he says in a high pitched girly voice.

"Shut up! We do not do that, well at least not all of us,"I say with a pointed look at Sharon. She is kissing Bryson and they look happy. My heart sinks and i don't even know why, he was a jerk this morning and i should have nothing to do with him.

"Earth to AYa! Don't drool over that a-hole. He's not worth it, as you figured out this morning,"Max says and flips Bryson off even though Bryson doesn't even see him.

"Obvisouly you're right,"I say with a sigh.

"I know i am! I tried to warn you, butuh, i guess now's not a good time to say i told you so,"Max says and grins sheepishly.

"To soon,"I agree and he nods.

"I'll follow you to your house,"Max says andd jumps into his truck.

As i pull out of the parking lot i look over and see Bryson looking at me. We lock eyes and he smirks. I quickly look away and groan at myself. Jerk! He's a jerk, Aya, remember that.

When i get to my house Max pulls up to the curb on the side of the stree and jogs over to me.

"I'm so hungry! My stomach is eating itself. Hopefully someone in your household is a good cook,"Max complains as we walk into my house.

"Well come on into the kitchen then, andd i can get you some food," Mom says with raised eyebrows. Max grins and holds out his hand.

"sorry, i didn't mean any dissrespect,"Max says and they shake hands.

"It's quite alright,"Mom says and leads the way to the kitchen.

She sets some chips and pizza on the table and we both dig in.

"So, are you two going out?"Mom asks and i start choking. Max slaps my back andd grins.

"Of course,"he says and i elbow him.

"Of course NOT. Max is in love with Maggie,"I explain and glare at Max who just goes right on eating, chewing right in my face.

"Oh! Maggie is a sweet girl,"Mom says.

"Yeah, she is,"Max says with a soft smile.

After we finish eating i lead the way to my room and Max plops down on my bed. He grabs my labtop off of my desk and gets on the internet, and looks up at me with a sly grin.

"Quaterback wants to talk to you. Is this your stalker?"Max observes.

"No! He's not a stalker and give me that,"I say and each for my labtop. Max moves it away from my hands and reads what it says.

"Oh Aya! I wish you would understand how much i love watching you walk home everynight and i love looking through your window because i am a stalker,"Max lies.

"It does not say that!"I say while laughing.

"You're righht, it doesn't,"he says and hands my labtop back.

"I know i am,"I say confidentally and Max snorts.

"Modest much?"

"You know it,"

"Well i better go, but don't be late for practice tomorrow morning or Coach will pull you back down to JV only,"he explains and i nod.

"I won't be," I say.

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