Chapter 5

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When i get home i hop on my bed and sigh. I can't believe i am falling for a guy whose girlfriend could ruin my life at school and quite simply my whole life. How stupid can i get sometimes?

    "What's wrong, honey?"Mom asks from my bedroom door. I look over at her and shrugg.

"Nothing, just guy stuff,"I say and she nods understandingly.

   "I know how you feel,"she sympathizes.

 "Mom, have you ever really liked a guy that is a complete jerk to you?"I ask her and she nods.

   "Why yes i have. Your dad,"she jokes and i roll my eyes.

"Mom! I'm serious,"

    "Well, then, yes i have, but it obviously didn't work out,"

"What happened?"I ask.

"He would only be nice to me when we were alone and then when we were in school he and his friends would make fun of me, but i didn't know that until i was going to surprise him one day and i heard him call me an ugly slut and all of his friends agreed with him,"she explains and i sigh.

     "Guys are such jerks,"I say and she nods.

"What is happening with the guy you think is a jerk?" Mom asks and i shrug.

   "Nothing serious i guess. He has a girlfriend so nothing will ever happen,"I reply.

"You don't need a guy like that anyway," she says and i nod slowly.

    "Thanks for the advise mom,"I answer even though it doesn't really help becuase i am still thinking about him.

  I don't even know why. I mean, tonight was the first night he was actually nice to me and that didn't even last. Something is deffinetly wrong with me.

     Mom leaves and i get on my facebook and see that Bryson wants to be my friend. Oh please! After he just talked behind my back to his friends? I think not...

   All of a sudden i get an instant message from my hotmail account. I look down and see that Quaterback' wants to talk to me.

     'who is this?' I ask.

    'just a guy that wants to talk to you,' the reply comes.

'stranger danger,' I reply.

    'on instant message?' he asks and i grin.

'well yeah,' I answer.

'well excuse me for wanting to talk to someone, especially a pretty girl like you,' he says.

   'how would you know if i'm pretty or not?' i ask.

'i have seen you around my school. You just started and you are on the football team,' he replies.

   'stalker much?'"

'maybe, maybe not,'

   'i'm thinking yes,'i reply.

'so, do you have any idea who i am?' he asks.

  'well, it might be Max...' I type.

  'but alas it is not,' he answers.

 'so no. I have no idea who this is. I would say it would be Bryson, but he would never be nice to me and call be pretty,' i reply.

   'why do you think that?'he asks.

'because he is always being mean. I mean, i am friends with his sister, Maggie, and she is one of the best people i know and he is still a jerk to her. And i thought we were finally getting along and then he proved me wrong,' I type back.

    'well maybe he just has a hard time proving that he is a nice person,' the answer comes back.

 'i doubt it. I can just tell he is one of those self absorbed jerks,'i reply.

     'ever heard the phrase don't judge a book by it''s cover?' he asks and i sigh.. Seriously? What is with this guy?

  'why are you sticking up for him? Is he one of your friends?'i ask.

     'i wouldn't say that, it's just that maybe you don't know him as well as you think you do,' he replies.

'maybe not, but who knows,'

     'yeah, i agree,'

'so, are you going to tell me who this is?'i ask.

   'and ruin the surprise? Never,'he replies.

 'i figured that was coming,'

     'and yet you still had to ask?'

'of course,'i reply.

   'gtg. ttyl?'

'sure, why not...'i answer and log offf.

 I grin as i get off the computer and lie down on the bed. Maybe there are nicer guys out there... Just maybe...


"What's got you so happy?"Max asks the next day at school.

   "Oh nothingg, just i talked to the most amazing guy last night and he goes to this school',"I reply and Max raises his eyebrows at me.

    "And here i thought i was that guy, but obviously not,"he teases and i grin.

"Not even close,"I reply and he slaps a hand over his heart dramatically.

   "I'm wounded. But seriously, who is it?"He asks.

"I don't know,"I reply and he looks at me skeptically.

   "What do you mean?"He asks and i grin.

"That's the thing. I seriously don't know who he is,"I reply.

   "Ohh yeah, that's safe to be talking to some stranger," Max says and i shrug.

"That's what i thought at first too, but i mean. What are the odds that he is a stalker?"I ask and Max stares at me.

    "You can't be serious? Aya! Come on! You can't be that stupid," Max says and i sigh.

"I know, but i seriously have a feeling that he is not. Just trust me on this,"I say.

   "Fine, but if you get kidnapped, i will find you and kill you.. Because this is not safe at all,"Max says.

  "What's not safe?"Maggie asks as she walks up to us. Max immediatly freezes up and looks at the ground.

      "She is, uh, talking to this guy, um, that she doens't even know," Max stammers and Maggie raises her eyebrows at me.

  "I am not going through this again,"I say and Maggie holds up her hands.

  Ök ok, don't get killed," she says and i sigh.

 "Thanks for the support," I say and she shrugs.

      "Well, what did you expect?"She asks...








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