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[ N Y L A H ]

I woke up this morning and strangely felt motivated so I went down to the gym that's in the apartment building

I put in my earphones and listen to some music as I do a workout

I probably should alter my programme actually as I've improved my strength so I need to find out my new one rep max

After some time I start to get thirsty and I realise I've already drank all of my water and I look around the room and find a water dispenser in the corner

I make my over to it and fill my bottle up

"Hi" I hear someone say awkwardly behind me

"Hey. Harry isn't it?" I ask as I turn around and recognise him

"Yeah it is" he says smiling as I screw the lid back onto my bottle that's now full

"Have you just got here?" I ask wondering if he has been in the gym this whole time and I just didn't realise

"Yeah just like 5 minutes ago" he says as he edges past me to fill up his water bottle

I almost down my whole bottle of water

Damn I must've been thirsty

"Freezy mentioned he saw you again yesterday" he asks me as he turns around from filling up his bottle

"Yeah he helped me with my bags up the stairs which was nice" I say smiling as I walk over to the chest press as he follows behind me

"Why didn't you use the lift?" He asks me looking confused

"Im shit scared of them. Literally a death trap" I chuckle making him smile a little

"So what are you doing in here?" He asks me as he looks around the room

"What everyone else does in a gym to be honest" I say as I place my water bottle on the floor making him awkwardly chuckle

"You seem very awkward" I smile as I take my position on the chest press as he leans on a machine in front of me

"Yeah sorry" he says as he looks down at the bottle in his hands

"Don't apologise, it's quite cute" I smile which causes him to smile too

"I guess I take a while to come out of my shell" he says shrugging

"And there's nothing wrong with that" I say reassuringly before I begin using the machines and he goes off and uses some others too

Both Harry and I didn't really talk for the rest of the time we were in the gym and I left before him

He is kind of cute to be honest

As I'm walking through the lobby over to the stairs, which might I add the whole 10 flights are a whole other workout themselves

I bump into the two Cal's

"Hey" they both say almost in unison

"Hi" I beam at them

"Some of our friends are coming over tonight, do you want to join?" Cal asks

"Bro she barely knows us" freezy says elbowing him

"Nah sure I'd love to" I say smiling before turning on my heels to walk away

"It's apartment number 24 by the way!" Cal calls out as I walk up the stairs

"6 o'clock" freezy adds

"Gotcha" I Shout not bothering to turn around as I smile to myself

I'm glad I'm making friends already

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