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[ N Y L A H ]
I end up on a set of chairs with Ethan and Chip whilst Harry is off with the two cals near where the drinks are set out

I watch as Ethan, with the biggest grin on his face, pours chip a shot

"Get this down you lad" Ethan laughs as he pushes the glass closer to chip

"another?" Chip asks and Ethan nods as he pours another shot into an empty glass

"Do you want one?" Ethan asks as he turns to look at me

"No I'm sorry I cant I have a shoot tomorrow" I politely decline

"How come you ask Nylah if she wants one but I'm forced to have one?!" Chip exclaims causing both Ethan and I to laugh with one another

"It's because bro, I'm a gentleman" Ethan replies smiling at chip as he nods his head

"I hate you" chip says jokingly

their laughter fades out as my eyes are glued on Harry across the room

He looks like he is having a serious conversation with the two Cals

I just wonder what about?

"Excuse me" I say softly to both Ethan and chip as I get up from my seat and make my way over to Harry

[ H A R R Y ]
"Mate I can't believe you're still banging on about this" freezy groans

"Well I'm sorry" I say sarcastically

"I don't know why you still care" lux says sipping his drink as we are all gathered together near the kitchen counters

"What do you mean? If my ex keeps messaging me whilst I'm in a relationship with someone else, it's hard not to care and just ignore it" I scoff

How the fuck do they think I can just pretend all is okay

"Well Harry please stop fucking about and just tell Nylah what's going on at least" freezy says almost yelling

"Tell me what?" Nylah asks raising her eyebrows as she appears behind lux making us all jump

"Uhm I- uh- think- uhm-" freezy stutters scratching his neck looking at lux

"Yeah we have uhhh things to do. See you" lux says and freezy clicks his fingers, nodding and pointing at lux

They both scurry away together leaving both Nylah and I

"So tell me why I heard my name and then those two were just acting so sketchy" she says as she jumps to sit on the counter next to me, where I'm leaning

"It's nothing" I mumble into my cup as I take another sip of the drink

"Harry stop treating me like an idiot. We promised no more secrets and sneaking around so shut up with your little excuses of 'it's nothing Nylah' " she says trying to mimic my voice on the last part of her sentence

"Fine!" I sigh

"I already knows it's going to be something about Katie" Nylah says gazing up at me as I stand in front of her

I feel ashamed so I nod closing my eyes and I hear her let out a sigh

"She just keeps messaging me and telling me all these stories of when we were together and sending me pictures, she just can't leave me alone" I explain frantically

"Are you replying?" She asks me as she bites her cheek

I shake my head as I look at her, my eyes full of sorrow

"Then why the sneaking?" She asks me tilting her head

"There isn't any sneaking" I reply quickly

"Then just block her number if you don't want her messaging" she sighs as she jumps off the counter, leaving me before I can reply

My eyes follow her as she leaves me

Before I know it my legs follow behind her

"Harry" she says before she sits down with Ethan and chip again

How did she know I was following behind?

"I'm tired Harry" she says as she diverts her attention to Ethan who is trying to motion for me to leave it

"Tired of what?" I ask as I pull a chair over to sit next to her at the table

Both Ethan and chip looking awkward next to us as they watch on

"What do you think?" She says sarcastically

"You say you don't care but you do"  she adds

"Please trust me on this one" I insist almost pleading with her as she refuses to look at me

"Fine" she sighs in defeat

"Come here" I say as I pull her into me for a hug

"You two sorted?" Ethan says as his head turns away from his conversation with chip to see both Nylah and I hugging

Nylah nods in response to Ethan causing him to smile

"I have to go soon, I have a shoot tomorrow that I need my sleep for" she says as we end our embrace

"Do you want me to take you back?" I offer

"Harry I love how you say that like you're actually going to take me home rather than you just hopping in an Uber with me" she chuckles to herself

I laugh along with her as I grab my drink from off the table

"But seriously it's fine I want you to stay and enjoy yourself" she smiles before she goes on her phone

"I can't lie you really have secured a good one Harry. She's literally saying get wasted, have all the drink you want. What a girlfriend" chip winks jokingly at Harry

"Wait how do you know we're together together?" Nylah asks as her head quickly shoots up from her phone

"Oh Harry told us all" chip replies

"Huh? When?" Nylah asks

"He sent a message in the group chat as soon as you guys finally became official" Ethan laughs and I see Nylah start to blush as she looks down to try hide her face

The night goes by pretty quickly actually and I'm having an absolute blast

Nylah left over an hour ago which was actually really early but I'm not judging

I'm attempting to dance, making a dick of myself, with the lads when my energy comes to a halt as I receive a text message that leaves me speechless



also sorry I kinda took a while to update

Just my life has been moving fast atm and I just AGHH

so much to say but cba typing it all out in detail

To make it brief I'm moving to London at the end of summer

You best believe I'm on Pinterest looking at new designs for my studio 😻

I can't believe I'm going to be living BY MYSELF in a studio apartment in frickin London

I should probably actually learn to cook something other than pasta before I move out-

Also this is a terrible chapter, I wrote it at like 3am I cbaaaaa

I say I cba a lot I should probably stop

Anyways hope ur all doing well!!!!

Lotta love <333

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