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One week later

[ H A R R Y]
it's been a week since Nylah came and dropped off some of my clothes at my apartment

I decided I should probably give her hers back so I'm on my way down to her floor to hand her back her stuff

I still can't get over the fact our relationship is over

And I know it was my fault but still

As I exit the lift I'm so confused to see her manager Elaine stood outside her door with a clipboard with a group of men wandering in and out of her apartment

"Elaine?" I ask as I slowly approach her

"Harry" she says nodding, not too friendly

I mean I cant blame her

"What is going on? What are you doing in Nylah's apartment?" I ask looking at all the men swarming her apartment

"Nylah is moving to her New York apartment" she says coldly

"Yeah I remember that but she will be back in the summer" I shrug as I peak inside her apartment door and realise it's almost bare

"No Harry, she has been out there all week and has decided to base herself out there now" she explains and I feel the earth freeze

"She's moving to New York.. permanently" she says hesitantly

"What?" I say astonished

I never thought I'd hurt her that much that she had to move countries

I know she loved London so much

This is her home

"And just for the record Harry it's not because of you. It's because of her business opportunities out there and her high profile friends" she says in a sour and bitter tone that I instantly take a disliking to

"I wasn't-" I begin

"Good now why were you here again?" She asks clicking her pen and attaching it to her clipboard

"I- I was just- bringing back some stuff of hers that were still at my apartment" I explain stuttering on my words as I hold out the bag

"Oh thank you, I'll be sure to send them out to her" she says giving me a fake smile as she picks up the bag

"Right" I nod before I turn around to walk away

"Harry" she says making me turn around

"Don't go leaching off her name for views or running to the press" she says sternly

"For both hers and your sake. Just keep hush and move on. That's the problem with you youtubers you don't know how to handle real fame and press. You need a PR manager" she suggests before she disappears into Nylah's apartment

Or what once was her apartment should I now say

I cant believe she won't be living here anymore

I guess for the whole month since we split I have always had that comfort of knowing she was just downstairs and I could just see her

Even though we didn't talk, just seeing her around was a comfort because then I knew she was okay

Even though it hurt me everytime i saw her

And the guilt I felt every time I looked at her was overpowering

But it was still a comfort to know where she was and how she was from a distance

But now I'll just see her new life plastered all over social media, not truly being able to see her

This sucks man

And I know I keep reminding myself this


It really is my fault

I fucked up

So bad


it's cos tho


I'm not gonna spoil



apartment block (w2s wroetoshaw) Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα