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[ H A R R Y ]

"You two got back late last night" my mum smirks at me as I enter the kitchen with Nylah behind me

"I'm sorry were we too loud?" Nylah asks apologetically from behind me

"Oh no don't worry about it it's perfectly fine" my mum reassured her

I take Nylah over to the island in the kitchen before I insist I make her breakfast again

"Harry ? cooking? Where's my son and what have you done with him" my mum jokes as she watches me start to make breakfast

"Oh my you should've seen him when he tried to make me scrambled egg" Nylah says laughing as my mum sits next to her on a stool

"I always tried to teach him but he never listened" my mum sighs jokingly

"I can make toast!" I exclaim to them both

"Woahhh" Nylah sarcastically replies

As I crack on trying to make breakfast I hear them both talking and laughing amongst themselves behind me

I'm so so glad Nylah and my mum get along well so far

I always knew they would but it makes me happy to see


"Uhm Harry" Nylah says as she is eating her food at the table just opposite me

"What? Is the food okay?" I ask concerned as I'm worried I didn't cook the sausages well enough

"No the food Is perfect but look at this" she says biting her nails as she hands me her phone

I cant believe my eyes

I look down and see a video of both Nylah and I on that bench last night

"Fuck" I say under my breath

"Katie sent me it" she says

"Katie? What the fuck why the hell was she there?" I ask frustrated

"Harry she said she is going to post it all over Twitter" Nylah says clearly panicking as she jumps up off her chair and starts pacing in the kitchen

I don't reply I just grab a slice of my toast and dart towards the front door

"Harry!" Nylah calls out behind me

I turn around to face her as she stands in the middle of the hallway

"Where are you going?" She asks me leaning on the banister for the stairs

"To her house" I say as I open the door

"Wait for me" she calls out behind me

"No you stay here. I can sort this, you go eat I'll be back soon" I say pulling her into a hug quickly

"Okay then, text me!" She insists and I nod and make my way to Katie's house

[ N Y L A H ]

"Where was Harry running off to?" Rosie asks as she walks down the stairs as I close the front door behind me

"To Katie's house" I sigh

"Wait what? His ex Katie? And you're letting him go I'm confused" she say looking really full of confusion

"Oh no it's not like that, she filmed me and Harry on a bench last night and she's threatening us with it" I say as I rub my left arm with my other through sheer awkwardness and nerves

"On a bench? What's wrong with that" she asks and she must notice my facial expression

"OH! Damn my brother has no standards" she laughs

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