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[ H A R R Y ]
I sigh as I open the apartment door and throw myself onto the couch

"Aye you're back" Freezy beams as he walks in to join me on the couch

I just nod at him

"I thought I heard you" lux says as he walks in and also sits with us

"What's up with grumpy?" He asks Freezy as he looks over at me

I sigh as I throw my head back

"So tell me about... you know" freezy says raising his eyebrows

"That's the thing" I sigh as I mess up my hair with my hand

"Oh god what's happened" Freezy asks looking concerned

"I'm confused" lux says butting in

"Who do you think this is about?" Freezy asks him and he nods saying 'oh' in response

"Well you know I said we kissed the other day" I begin

"Wait so you kissed your big celebrity crush" callux says laughing

"Making moves I see" Freezy smirks

"No guys"

"I saw her this morning and she said she was sorry and that we should forget it ever happened and that she's sorry it happened" I explain taking a deep breath

"Oh shit" lux says looking guilty

"What a stupid thing to do" Freezy spits

"I don't know what to think" I sigh

"This is fucked. You two seemed to be getting on well" freezy says looking confused and shocked

"This doesn't make sense" lux says as he shakes his head

"Tell me about it" I say sighing once again

The room goes quiet before I break the silence

"I need a drink" I say as I slowly get up from the couch to grab a bottle of brewdog before I slump back on the couch delving into the bottle

"We can talk to her if you want?" Freezy says almost like a question

"No guys it's fine, she's made up her mind. It's funny because I was just getting used to and enjoying her company" I say as I gulp down my drink

They both just give me a sympathetic look

Next day
[ N Y L A H ]
I'm just preparing for today because I walk for Ralph Lauren this afternoon

I jump as I hear knocks on my apartment door

I see it's Talia and Freya and I instantly let them in

"Hey guys" I say as I hug them both with them saying they hellos back

"Where were you last night?" Talia asks me as we all sit down in my living area

"What do you mean?" I ask confused slightly

Was I meant to be somewhere?

"We all went to Simon and JJ's" Freya explains

"Oh right" I say nodding

"So where were you? We thought you'd be there. We missed our new friend" Talia repeats pouting at the last bit

"I was just here I guess" I say sighing

"Has something happened?" Freya asks full of concern

"No why?"

"You're acting weird ... distant. Harry was acting the same last night" she replies as she furrows her eyebrows

"No I'm fine" I say

"That's even more suspicious" Talia says looking unsure

"Harry hardly spoke last night and left early" Freya explains

"Which is so unusual" Talia adds

"Oh" I say feeling a rush of sadness

"You can tell us you know?" Freya says reassuringly as they both smile at me sympathetically

"I just"

"Harry and I kissed a few days ago and I told him yesterday morning that I was sorry and I regret it and I think we should pretend it never happened" I explain sighing

"What?!" Talia exclaims

"No no no, if you like someone you have to tell them the opposite of what you said" Talia continues

"But I don't know if I do like him, I don't want to lead him on... you know with the whole celeb crush thing"

"I barely know the guy" I laugh nervously

"Time means nothing, if the attraction is there, it's there" Freya says

"Who initiated the kiss?" Talia asks

I think briefly before I remember

It was me

"It was me" I admit as I look to the ground

"Well you don't kiss random people do you? You must've felt something otherwise you wouldn't have done it" Talia says softly

"True but I cant" I say taking a deep breath

"The only thing stopping you is you. Just go with your heart not your head at the moment" Freya advises

"I'll keep that in mind" I smile lightly

"You're too stubborn" Talia laughs making us all join in laughing

"Thank you guys" I say genuinely

"Anytime. Just please don't hurt him too much he is actually a softie deep down" Freya says smiling at me

And all of a sudden I feel bad again

I'm still not sure what to feel or what to do

apartment block (w2s wroetoshaw) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang