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[ N Y L A H ]

I'm trying to push my way through the mass loads of people

I don't know who most of these people are

I notice some familiar faces and it's Ethan and Josh stood together laughing

"Hey guys" I say as I walk up to them

"Hi" Ethan beams as he pulls me in for hug and then I hug Josh as he greets me also

"Who even are all of these people?" I ask them loudly over the music so as they can hear me

"They're just other youtubers and their friends and girlfriends" Josh explains smiling

"Oh right" I say nodding

"Have you got a drink yet?" Ethan asks me

"No I just or so got here so I haven't had chance yet" I explain

"Follow me" he smiles as he leads me through the sea of people to where the drinks all are in the kitchen

"So what do you fancy?" He asks as he points to all of the drinks lined up

"Harry" I reply quickly

"Oh shit" he laughs almost spitting out his drink he just took a sip from

"Nah I'm joking I'll have a classic bottle of corona" I reply as I take a bottle and pour it into a plastic cup

"No but seriously, is there something with you and Harry? I mean I've just heard little bits off Lux and Cal"  he asks smirking before taking another sip of his drink

"I mean yeah" I admit as I bite the inside of my cheek

"Ooo do tell" he says trying to sound like a girl pretending to flick his hair

"It'll probably bore you" I say sipping my drink

"No honestly all of us know there is something and we can all see the way he looks at you" Ethan explains shrugging

"We are spending more time together and I guess we are forming some kind of bond" I say smirking

"What's that smirk fo-" he begins before cutting himself off


"OH" he says clicking his fingers

"You've both done the dirty havent you?" He asks chuckling

"What?! How-" I exclaim

"It's written all over your face" he laughs

"Shit" I mumble

"For real I'm happy for you two" he says placing a hand on my shoulder

"Thanks Ethan" I smile genuinely at him as we both share a hug

"I bet he is buzzing" he says with a devious smile on his face and I know exactly what he is thinking

"Shut up!" I say laughing as I playfully push him

"Where even is he anyways?" He asks me scanning the room with his eyes

"I don't know I haven't seen him yet" I say shrugging

"Probably sniffing drugs" he laughs before he swiftly runs away before I can even ask him what he is talking about

And just like that Ethan disappears into the room behind all the bodies

I'm left standing alone in the kitchen before I decide to leave the main area of the apartment to go and look in all the other rooms until I stumble across Harry who is laying down on his bed looking quite sad?

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