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[ N Y L A H ]
"Don't get the wrong idea from this Harry. I still don't forgive you. I would've much rather of brought Ethan, after all he has more muscle to take someone on to protect me if I need it" I warn

Half joking half not

"Sure. The dwarf can be scary with his short man syndrome" he jokes as we begin walking outside the back of the building

"I'm gonna tell him you said that" I laugh

"You wouldn't dare" he smirks

"You're right I wouldn't. He definitely would fuck you up. you seen him in the gym? He's a beast" I joke and he laughs along before we are met by a silence

I don't mean to be so comfortable with him

Especially after what he did

But I cant help it

"So where is it?" He asks awkwardly breaking the silence

"It's supposed to be left here" I point at the next left

The streets are lowly lit with the stars decorating the sky and the street lights lighting up both Harry and I's faces

My mind is racing with thoughts about Harry and about my brother who I'm only seconds away from meeting

"You'll be fine" Harry says reassuringly smiling down at me

"How did you-" I begin shocked

"You always used to play with your elephant necklace when you're nervous" he chuckles looking at my fingers that are indeed playing with the elephant necklace

The necklace I always wear and never like to take off

"I'm surprised you remember" I lightly chuckle as I look down to the ground smiling

"I've always wondered but never asked, why do you always wear it?" He asks me hesitantly

"Oh, my mother gave it to me when we moved from Spain to the U.K. elephants represent many things, the main one being strength. So I like to think I can do anything I want with the strength of both the elephant and my mum through wearing this necklace. It's stupid I know but when I'm nervous that's why I play with it, I'm trying to gain strength from it" I admit as I smile at the necklace as I hold up the elephant pendant

"That's not stupid at all. It's clearly done a fucking good job" he smiles at it

"Yeah" I say shyly as we arrive at the park where my brother said to meet.

Seen as it's like 1am nowhere is really open so the park was our only option pretty much

We both look around and notice a male on the bench in front of us

"That has to be him, he looks just like you" Harry says pointing over at him

"Fuck" I say, my heart racing so much it's probably verging on being classed as a heart attack

"Do you want me to come over with you or wait here?" He asks me as he points to the bench next to us

"Here will be fine thank you" I smile at him before I briefly glance at my brother over my shoulder

"Do this as a signal and I'll come get you out of whatever situation" he says before doing his signature dance that he calls a drowning kid or something

apartment block (w2s wroetoshaw) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ