Author's Note & Alternate/Bonus Ending

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January 13th, 2021

Hi everyone. I know it's been a really long time since you last saw me, but I wanted to apologize. I was going to make a sequel to this story, but I just don't have it in me. I tried, I really did. But the ending I gave Seline and Loki felt final. It felt like that was where it was supposed to end.

There will not be a sequel to The Blood Of A God. 

However, I have one chapter I wrote of the sequel. For anyone who read the sequel before I deleted it (which consisted of just this one chapter), you will recognize this as a slightly edited version of that same one.

This chapter is only the ending if you want it to be. You can read it as this being the final ending, or the epilogue as the final ending.

After this, there is nothing else. This is the final bit of the story. All you really have to know is that they have a happy ending, and in the little universe I created with Seline and Loki, none of the events of Thor 3, Infinity War, or Endgame happen. 

They live happily ever after. :)


Alternate Ending

Earlier that day, Sigrid had managed to best Fandral four times in less than an hour. And for the fifth time, her wooden sword came rushing at the back of his legs, knocking them out from under him before the point of her weapon was pressed into his throat. He was shocked, as if for a moment he perceived the wooden weapon as an actual threat. His lips split into a wide grin, and Sigrid gave a triumphant laugh.

Sigrid just smiled at him while Seline watched them from the side of the training grounds.

The aging of the Aesir still confused Seline a little. Sigrid looked to be about seventeen now in Midgardian years. She loved telling fantastical tales and painting, but above all, her greatest passion was her swordsmanship. The one Asgardian she was closest with was Heimdall, who greatly enjoyed teaching her the perfect attacks to beat each of the Warriors Three.

Torstein was following quickly behind her, now eight years old. He loved science and learning what he could from Seline's Midgardian friends. He thought Bruce and Tony were absolutely phenomenal and sometimes even asked Seline if they were gods too. Though he loved the Midgardians, his favourite of Seline and Loki's friends was Hogun. He loved travelling to Vanaheim and seeing the culture and people there.

Seline adored her children and would do anything she could to protect them. Loki had made the same vows. They were both certain that their legacy would pass on to their children someday.

The issue with the term 'someday' was Loki's aging, and Seline's lack thereof. They had spoken about it a few times, but never had a legitimate discussion. The idea of Loki's eventual death was something neither of them wished to speak of. She knew that Loki would become a vampire if it meant staying with her for as long as he could, but she had never even turned an Asgardian into a vampire, let alone a Frost Giant. They had no idea how his body would react to her blood and the venom lurking inside of it. Her blood could heal Asgardians and Frost Giants well enough, but turning them? That result was unknown. The truth was, she didn't ever want to have a reason to test the theory out. And she knew he didn't either.

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