XXVIII - Waltz

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That is all


Chapter Twenty-Eight

After four days had passed of Seline staying in her room, Arianna had had enough. She made that clear when she barged right into the room.

"Why are you still in here?! The ball is tonight!" Arianna asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I don't feel like dancing," Seline muttered, continuing to read the book and attempting to ignore the thoughts of what could happen if she did indeed leave that room.

Arianna didn't understand. No one understood, because she would never tell them. If one of the Aesir bled just even slightly, whether they accidentally pricked their finger on one of the roses decorating the tables in the hallway or if they dropped a glass and cut themselves on the shards, it was very possible she could lose control and attack them. She didn't want to do that. She didn't want to hurt more people than she already had. With the humans, and even all of the animals on earth, it was easier. Their blood was less addicting. It satisfied her more and she needed less of it. She loved being in Asgard, but she missed her friends and being in this world meant an endless cycle of bloodshed and losing control of herself.

"Oh, come on!" Arianna said, throwing her hands up in exasperation before practically falling back onto the bed. "You can't just vanish from the festivals and not expect anyone to notice."

"I just don't want to go to any more parties, Ari," Seline said, glancing up from the pages only to look back down at them a moment later, avoiding Arianna's stare.

"Fine. Just come to this one ball, and I promise I'll leave you alone for the rest of the holiday."

"Give me one good reason why I should."

"Prince Loki is going to be there."

"Not good enough," she muttered. It was pretty close, though.

"Fandral is going to be there and I'm nervous to talk to him alone..." Arianna said.

Seline sighed, dropping the book to look at a now nervous Ari. She was biting her lip and rubbing her hands together, seeming to have trouble with the thought of actually going to the ball and seeing Fandral there.

"Fine," Seline muttered, looking up at the ceiling.

"What?" Arianna was almost stunned at her words.

"I said fine. I'll go."

Arianna grinned, no longer nervous at all. She stood up, smiling still as she walked to the door. "I will accompany you to the ball at eight o'clock."

Seline rolled her eyes, then laid the open book on her face and groaned into it. Arianna had guilt-tripped her, of course.


"I'm only staying for two hours, Ari," Seline stated as Arianna linked her arm in Seline's and practically skipped down the hallway, her white dress flowing in the air behind her. "No longer."

"Fine!" Ari said, grinned. "But you have to dance with Loki first."

"No, I most certainly do not."

"Yes you do. If I have to dance with Fandral, you have to dance with Loki."

"I never said you had to dance with Fandral."

The Blood Of A God || Loki Laufeysonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن