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Malachai is my fave tho

Also Annaque is actually one of my friends in real life and when I told her she was a villain she's just like "girl I'm the villain in real life, I don't care". It was funny. :'3


Chapter Fourty-Five

Nearly three weeks had passed, and Seline had finally found the information she needed. She knew exactly where the people she needed to see were located, but deep inside, she dreaded it more than anything.

The woman was known by many different names, but the most universal version was "Soul Stealer". She was much like a Reaper, except she did not take the souls of the dead to the afterlife. She took them for herself as a form of nourishment. This woman was a volatile person, and Seline would be playing a dangerous game. Her name was Annaque Gordon, a simple alias she had taken a few decades before. She was born in Jamaica in the early 1400's, before Christopher Columbus explored it. She was an Arawak Indian, and she knew that land like she knew the back of her own hand. She stole the souls of the dead and destroyed them, feeding from them the same way that Seline fed off of a human's blood. Her mind and her view of the human race had darkened over time, and from the information Seline had gathered, she knew that Annaque almost thought of Vampires as being similar to her own kind, especially the older ones. However, since Jordan was so young, she knew that Annaque would be reluctant to help him.

The worst part was that Annaque was not even the worst. She had an older brother named Malachai, and the two of them ruled over the supernatural world in Jamaica. Malachi was even more violent and unforgiving than Annaque, and it would be much harder to convince the two of them to help her.

Seline wasn't stupid. She knew there would be a price to pay. Chances were, they would ask to have her soul when she died. She would pay that price if she needed to.

As for what Seline wanted to do, that would be a little more complicated.

Seline had managed to get into the mansion that the two siblings owned, and was now sitting in the living room with a rather relaxed stance. She stretched her legs over the couch, and put one arm on the back of the couch while she stared at the doorway. She awaited someone's entrance, and when she finally saw the pair she was looking for, she was sure to feign a smirk.

"I thought I sensed a rather strong soul," the man on the left grinned, the kind of smile that would send a shiver up the spine of just about anyone. But Seline wasn't just anyone, and he knew that.

"I'm a thousand years old, Mr. Gordon," she said, shrugging her shoulders. "I would be lying if I said I didn't have one of the oldest souls on this planet."

Annaque didn't seem as happy to see her, which was almost startling. She had thought for sure that Annaque would be the one she would get along with a little more.

"Whataya want?" she asked, and that was yet another thing that caught Seline off guard. She was six hundred years old and she was speaking like that? "You people only show up when you need something."

Seline nodded, and moved her legs off of the couch cushions to put them down in front of her so that her feet touched the floor. "True, I do want something; I have reason to believe you are the only ones that can help me get it."

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