XLIII - Corruption

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Hey broskis

This chapter hurts my heart

Bye bye

Oh btw you should totally read my new story on my separate account used for all original stories :3 It's called Centenary and you can find it on fxrgetthewxrld


Chapter Fourty-Three

By the time she finally awoke, it was nearly evening of the next day. Seline could see the sun setting outside her window. It took her a few moments to realize that she wasn't in her own apartment, she was in an empty bedroom in the Stark Tower. She remembered all that had happened, and felt her insides clench the more she thought about it.

She went out to the balcony, and watched the sun slowly fall closer and closer to the horizon line. The sky was filled with shades of orange, pink, and purple. It was the perfect image of beauty. It was almost overwhelming, in a way. To think that a scene like that could bring so much joy. It nearly brought her to tears when she realized that Jordan would have no way of seeing it with her. He loved nights like this.

She would not allow him to miss this again. She would make sure that he would be healthy again, and then she would awaken him. He would live. She didn't know how, but he would stay alive.

A piece of her knew exactly what she needed to do. But the other part wished she didn't have to.

She heard him walk in before she saw him. He came into the bedroom and shut the door behind him, and by the way she could hear his heart skip a beat, she could only assume that he realized that she had awoken and was no longer in the bed. He probably didn't expect her to be awake, seeing how she had been out for nearly an entire 24 hours.

"I'm out here, Loki," she called, not wanting to turn and face him.

She knew what she had to do, and she also knew how much it would hurt him.

He came out through the balcony doors, which she had left open. The curtains attached to the doors had, at first flowed wildly in the wind; now they only waved back and forth in the low breeze.

"Perhaps you should come inside," he muttered, an almost awkward tone in his voice. "You have been through a great deal, have you not?"

She nodded a little, still not turning to face him.

"You were right," he said, moving to the railing and laying his hand on it, while she simply leaned on it with her hands hung out over it. "The infection did not move. Putting him to sleep assisted him."

"He will be alright until she wakes him up. But even with my power, Athene cannot handle keeping him at bay for more than three months time," she said, swallowing. "At first, all I could think was that I would need a miracle in order to save him. But then I realized that I didn't need a miracle, I needed time. There has to be a way to save him, there is always an alternative. No matter what decisions you feel you need to make, there is always something else you can do."

"I admire you, you know," he suddenly said, which caused her to turn and look him in the eyes. "You have a courage that I have never possessed. You avoid harming people as much as possible, but when you feel someone you care for is threatened... You are absolutely vicious. You will strike down any that hurt those you love. That is admirable because it means that you will always stay by their side, and avenge them when you are not."

She was left speechless. Was that truly what he thought of her? And had she always been this way? Until she met Jordan, she didn't really have anyone else to care about. But had she always had this part of her that was willing to fight until she took her last breath in order to keep her loved ones protected? Of course she had. She proved it the night she slaughtered Vincent and his men.

He was right. Vicious was a good word for it.

"It means that you have a kind heart, Seline," he said. "You do not allow your mind to be corrupted by power, not like myself."

"You have never been corrupted. You have always been good, Loki. You always wanted what was best. Every person that is conceived as a villain believes they are doing the right thing. You tried to take over Asgard and kill the frost giants because you knew your brother wouldn't be a fit ruler, and because the frost giants had killed so many of your people. You thought that they would attack, and you tried to stop it. You tried to take over Earth because you saw how volatile the humans had become, and thought that they needed a ruler. I may not agree with your motives or your methods but I cannot deny that you were always doing what you believed to be right. You were always doing what you thought was best, and that is what I admire about you."

He watched her for a few moments, an uncertain expression on his face before he became overcome with a mixture of realization and sadness. "This is a goodbye... Is it not?"

She didn't want to say yes, so she simply nodded to him. His eyes slowly drifted to the ground, and she could tell that he was concentrating. He didn't know what to say, but she did.

"I need to find a way to save him, Loki."

He stayed quiet for a moment, still looking at the ground before finally lifting his head so that he looked her in the eyes. "I can come with you."

Hope gleamed in his eyes, and she wished that she didn't have to extinguish it, but she did.

"It's dangerous, you-"

"That is why you should not go on your own," Loki insisted. "I can use my magic to assist you."

"Loki, you do not know the warlocks and witches of this world. They can be volatile and deceitful."

"And I am the God of lies and mischief. I can help you, you know that I can."

She didn't seem convinced, and he continued in a slightly more gentle voice.

"Seline, I care deeply for you, and because of that, I do not want to let you do this alone."

She sighed, and turned away from him. She ran a hand through her hair in mild frustration, wishing that this were easier.

"But I trust your judgement... And if you ask me to, I will stay."

She looked up, her eyes widening ever so slightly when she realized what he had said. He was willing to let her go on her own because he trusted her. He knew that she wanted to do this on her own, and he trusted her to come back to him safely. He knew that she could do this on her own. He cared about her enough to respect her wishes.

She turned and looked him in the eyes, and saw the pain that lingered in them. She wanted nothing more than to rip that pain away. Could she do that, when she was planning to leave him for such a long time? In reality, she had no idea how long it would be until she came back to New York. All that she knew was that she could not waste any time finding a cure for Jordan.

She wanted to show him how much she cared for him, but she could not.

"I'm sorry, Loki," she whispered, and saw the pain deepen in his eyes, feeling the guilt form even more. "I promise, I will come back."

A glimmer of hope appeared again, and he nodded slowly. He understood that she needed to leave.

He blinked, and when he opened his eyes again, she was gone.

The Blood Of A God || Loki LaufeysonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora