XXXIII - Regal

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So I haven't updated in 12 days. Sorry. :') I have a good reason, though. I apparently have a kidney stone. Pain = Not enough concentration to write. But I think I'm getting better, so I wrote this tonight! ^_^

JoJo's feeling sick too, so I thought this might make him feel a little better. :)

Enjoy! The second half of the story was really fun to write for some reason. :D

Also the song for this chapter is "Monsters" by Ruelle, and it's honestly so perfect for these scenes. Be sure to listen to it while you read (you can still do that, right? o_O The updates lately are strange...).


Chapter Thirty-Three

"How the hell didn't we see her?" Tony asked while he continued to watch the video he had had Jarvis pull up. It was of the attack on New York, where Seline had shown her skill rather publicly, and yet, had been undetected.

"We were a little preoccupied," Natasha said, raising a brow at him while she flipped through the magazine in her hands.

"Fury said that she killed 142 in less than half an hour. We should have noticed," he mumbled.

"It's going to be fine," she said. "This girl isn't even a threat. Fury wants to recruit her, not kill her."

"Something just doesn't seem right... I mean, come on! She was hanging around Loki, for god's sake. Who knows what could have happened."

"You and I both know that love changes people," Natasha said. "I mean, come on. You were a complete and utter dick before you met Pepper. Let's face it."

"I disagree with that statement, thank you very much. And also, who the hell ever mentioned love? Loki's a villain. He doesn't get love."

"Why are you suddenly so cynical?" Clint asked, going over to the couch and falling back into the spot beside Natasha. "It's not like she's tried to kill us. Tony, she helped us!"

Tony frowned a little. "I just... She's close with Loki. That doesn't seem right to me."

"Maybe Loki changed. You heard Thor talk about it, he risked his life to save the brother everyone thought he hated. He clearly can't be that bad," Clint said.

"Funny that you say that, considering how he's the one who brainwashed you into-" Tony snapped, but then cut himself off as a new video appeared on the laptop screen.

"Forgive me for interrupting sir," Jarvis said. "But a camera outside a Baton Rouge nightclub has found a woman matching Seline's description."

"Play it, Jarvis," Tony said, while the others slowly moved around to see the video as well.

The video was live, apparently. It was in an alleyway, but the streetlights seemed to be rather effective because they showed the part of the alleyway that they were in perfectly.

'They' was referring to the woman with dark brown hair that they could only assume was Seline, and the other person, who was a woman. She was a little shorter than Seline and had bright, cherry-red hair that had obviously been dyed.

The redhead had her back against the wall, while Seline was looking her in the eyes with her hand laid on the side of the woman's neck. The woman looked to be in a daze.

"She's compelling her, isn't she? Isn't that what Fury called it?" Clint asked, putting his hand on the back of Tony's chair and leaning a little closer to the screen.

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