LIII - Carry You With Me

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My heart hurts



Chapter Fifty-Three

Seline tried to rush to Jacob, but Malachai held her tighter to him. His strength was horrifying to her. She was supposed to be stronger than him. Why couldn't she fight him?

"Didn't you believe me?" he asked, whispering in her ear harshly. "Come on now, Seline. You should know by now that I keep my word. I said I would come for you, and I said that your soul would be mine. And it will be."

He shoved her against one of the steel window panes that hadn't been destroyed by the blast he made. She was forced to watch her friends all laid upon the floor, completely unconscious and almost looking dead. The metal digging into her skin threatened to cut it, and then he placed his hand on her upper spine.

"Right here," he whispered, tapping his fingers along her skin. "Is where you heart is. Do you know what that means, Seline? That is the source of your very being. I could rip it out, kill you right now. Or I could steal your soul from it, which would be much, much more painful."

She could feel her heart racing as he suddenly dug his fingers into her back.

"I think I'll go with option number two."

She screamed so loudly that she was surprised the policemen didn't hear her and come rushing to the tower. Maybe he had used his magic again. Maybe he was pulling more tricks. Or maybe no one cared that she was on the brink of death.

It felt like the day she had been a conduit for making Jordan go to sleep, but a thousand times worse. It felt like a hand was wrapped around her heart.

She couldn't see them properly, but if there hadn't been blurred edges and black dots lining her vision, she would have seen Loki and Jordan both stirring on the floor. She would have seen them both look right at each other, then at her. She could have seen Jordan rush right at Malachai and attempt to knock him off his feet, but also get caught in Malachai's iron grip. She would have seen Loki create orbs of fire and send them right at Malachai.

Worst of all, she would have seen them both fall down to their knees as Malachai began to steal their very life-force as well.

"Are you watching, Seline?" she heard him ask, his voice echoing in her pulsing ears. "Do you see them? Your friends are dying!"

It made her heart go faster, the beats pounding in her ears.

She could hear more movement off to the side, but before long, Jordan and Loki were both on their knees. They were becoming more and more pale. They were dying, and he was right. She couldn't do a single thing about it. But even so, she could feel her strength returning now that he wasn't focusing solely on her. She wasn't strong enough to kill him, but she could stop him. For now, she could.

As she was going to go to her friends and try to protect them, she saw the expression on Malachai's face. It was one of horror and realization.

He let go of Jordan and Loki, who then both dropped to the ground before struggling to get to their knees and watch him the same as Seline was.

Blood appeared at the centre of Malachai's chest, and then, his back arched. A metal pole, a piece broken off of one of the window panes, was protruding through his chest. Blood spilled from it, staining his shirt and pants and coating the floor.

He dropped to his knees, his eyes now becoming lifeless. The pole was ripped from his chest when he did, and their saviour was revealed. Malachai's murderer was none other than his sister.

Annaque stared down at her brother, her expression oddly void of all emotion. She didn't seem to care that she had just killed her brother. And quite frankly, Seline didn't care. Jordan and Loki were okay, but Jacob was not.

Seline rushed over to him, quickly pressing her hands around the wound that had been made. She knew why he wasn't healing, and it was because it was poisoned. The knife itself was killing him faster than the wound it had made.

She yanked the knife out, and threw it to the side before pressing her hands to the wound. It wouldn't take him long to heal, not with her blood going into his system.

She bit into her wrist and took out a chunk of skin in her haste instead of just making a bite mark. She pressed her wrist to his lips, but he didn't even try to drink it.

"Jacob, you need my blood!" she said, her eyes beginning to burn.

"It's not gonna help," he said, his speech becoming slurred.

"W-Why? Why not?"

"It's poison, fast way to kill werewolves specifically," his voice was becoming hoarse and hard to hear. It was cracking, and that only made everything seem worse.

"We'll find a way," Seline whispered, her hand on his shoulder and gripping it tightly. "We'll help you. I promise we will."

"It's too late," he told her, and when he looked her in the eyes, she saw that he had accepted it.

Jacob was going to die, and he wasn't going to fight it anymore.

"L-Let me go."

Seline swallowed, feeling the tears start to form in her own eyes. He wasn't willing to fight anymore.

"The book," he whispered.

She knew exactly what he was talking about the second that he said it. It was a book that he had given to her years ago. Ars Poetica. In the words of Horace, to save a man's life against his will is the same as killing him. Seline had always thought those words to be true, but now, she felt only pain from them.

Jacob took in a shaky and fearful breath while he looked behind her at Jordan.

Seline felt a tear finally streak down her face.

"Jacob, look at me," she whispered, moving her hand from his shoulder to rest on his cheek.

He looked her in the eyes, and she saw the pain and torment hiding in them.

"You have witnessed terrible things in your short life. You have seen many come and go. But now you go to the same place as them," she said, reaching away from his wound to hold his hand tightly. "There won't be any more pain. There will be no chaos, nor will there be suffering. You will be happy. You will find peace."

Jacob formed a small and sad smile, tears beginning to fall down his cheeks and onto his shirt.

Jordan came to kneel by them both, his eyes red but no tears falling form them.

"Do-Don't forget me, o-okay?" he said to them both.

"I wont," she told him. "I promise."

Seline's voice trembled with the fear of just how little time she had left. She brought his hand to her lips and kissed the back of it softly, while Jordan just shook his head, not being able to speak.

"You will go to a world far more beautiful than this one."

She pulled him close to her, and he winced at the pain, but let her hold him. Her tears fell down onto his shirt, and she felt it. His heartbeat went slower, and his chest moved as he exhaled for the last time. She pulled away, and looked him in the eyes, though it pained her to do so. The glimmer of hope and happiness that Seline had cherished so much had faded into the darkness. Her shaking palm went up to close his eyes. Then she held his hand in hers once again, taking in slow breaths as the tears refused to stop. She put her head against his, holding his broken body close. She didn't ever want to let go of him.

Her next words lingered in the air after she spoke.

"I will carry you with me."

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