XXXI - Draugr

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June 24th, 2016

Unedited. There will be some major typos with those one, especially considering that I was doing vampire research for three hours and trying to write at the same time. =,..,= Meh.

I kinda don't like this one... Especially Loki's part.

Oh well. Enjoy! :3


Chapter Thirty-One

As she ran throughout the city, even with her speed, the Aesir blood tempted Seline to no end. It was all she could think about.

But it wasn't the only thing that mattered. Their lives mattered to her. Perhaps that was why she was forcing herself not to feed, though it was the only thing she truly wanted. They didn't deserve to die simply because of her loss of control.

She reached the end of the Bifrost fairly quickly, crossing the rainbow bridge. Her body wanted blood so badly that she had to grip onto the wall of the dome to stop herself from running.

"Heimdall!" She said, panting with her voice now hoarse and a thin layer of sweat forming on her skin. "I need to leave!"

"Do you have the Allfather's permission?" he asked, standing on the steps on the center of the room with the hilt of his sword in his hands and the point digging into the ground.

"No," she said, swallowing.

"Then I cannot let you through," he stated, staying exactly where he was before. He was practically void of all emotion.

"You have to," she said, her breathing becoming more and more laboured. "Please, you have to let me go."

He stayed quiet, though she saw a hint of concern in his eyes.

"You are the great Heimdall, the man who sees all. I know you've been watching me. Surely you know what I am?"

He stayed still for a few moments, but then nodded to her. "Of course."

A part of her wondered why he never stopped her sooner, but she didn't question it. Not now.

"Your duty is to protect this realm, correct?"

He nodded once again.

"Then you need to let me go. Otherwise you and I both know that I will soon paint this world red with blood. You can either let me go or kill me, and even with your powers, Heimdall, I doubt that you would succeed."

His eyes narrowed ever so slightly, and she felt doubt course through her. But then he surprised her, putting his sword into the lock and turning it. The bifrost lit up, blue lightning bolts shooting from the center. The dome began to spin, and she saw the doorway on the other side form with rainbow light. It looked like a tunnel.

Seline stumbled over to the doorway. Her body was getting weak from the resistance.

"Before you go," Heimdall started. "I know the real reason why you wish to leave, and it is not for the good of the Aesir in general. Perhaps you should ask yourself this: Why are you so intent on protecting Prince Laufeyson?"

She swallowed, then went through the doorway, hoping to say goodbye to Asgard forever.


Loki started to run towards the door, when a hand reached out and gripped his arm. He turned to see Odin staring at him.

"Let go of me!" Loki shouted, angry that the Allfather would delay him.

The Blood Of A God || Loki LaufeysonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя