Chapter 186: Warriors' Resolve

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Outlands, Serisis.

9:26 a.m. 16th Banem 1092.

"Let's die?" GrizzlyDiamond snorted as he strode to the front. "Do you seriously believe you have the right to trade your life with one of ours?" The mighty knight looked at Brilith and asked, "Let me handle this. There's no need for you to get involved."

Brilith leaked a light smile as she regarded Ragnaf with disdain. "Make it quick. I want to explore this country afterward."

"Wh-what do you mean?" Uthman demanded in shock. "You said you were going to help them."

"Ah, that's right, I almost forgot you are still here," Brilith murmured as she looked at the dwarf. "Thank you for your services. You can rest now."

Uthman blinked. "Rest? What do you me—urk!" The dwarf clutched his throat, unable to complete his sentence because of a massive cut. Blood leaked through Uthman's fingers as he struggled in vain to keep the blood from rushing out of his throat. Unfortunately, his efforts proved useless, and within a few seconds, he was sprawled on the earth and breathed his last.

Above his body, Roro took out a handkerchief from her pouch, gently wiped the blood off her dagger, and then tossed the bloodied cloth on the dwarf's corpse. Silence descended on the land as Rudega and Ragnaf accepted the cruel reality before them.

Rudega looked from Uthman to the Summoned surrounding his corpse in disbelief. Even worse, he recognized the disdain in their eyes. Those were the eyes of someone who had slain a being lesser than themselves. Roro, in particular, had disgust in her eyes, like she lamented using her blade on such a creature.

"You Bastards!" Rudega roared in rage and was about to rush at Roro, but a heavy hand clamped on his shoulder and held him in place. "Let me go!" the dwarf angrily roared as he looked up at Ragnaf. However, he paused when he saw the rage in the orc's eyes.

To Rudega, this might be the first time someone looked at him with those eyes, but Ragnaf had faced those eyes since his very first memory. A half-breed orc-elf whose heritage was unknown was always destined to suffer in the orc community that valued strength above all else. His mixed heritage caused his body to mutate strangely. He was not as muscular as other orcs, and his tusks were like toothpicks compared to other of his tribe. Even worse, his features were smooth and graceful instead of other orcs' sharp, jagged features.

This led to a life of ridicule and bullying while growing up. However, rather than get discouraged, Ragnaf trained harder than anyone until he seized the crown of champion in the arena. Only then did those disdainful eyes turn into respect.

The eyes of the Summoned were the same as those eyes he saw in the past. In that case, there was only one thing to do.

"Don't lose your head," Ragnaf said as he tightened his grip on Rudega's shoulder. "If they don't respect us, we only have to beat it into them." The orc looked down at Rudega and said, "Take care of Durst. No matter what, in the end, their main target is you guys. I'm just collateral. I'll go kill as many as I can. I'm not good with my head so you think of a way to get us out of this."

"Get out of this?" GrizzlyDiamond chuckled as he stepped forward. "I thought you wanted to die with us? You want to run away, coward?"

"Don't misunderstand," Ragnaf said as he brandished his ax. The orc's body burst with terrifying ki as he approached the knight. "I just realized dying will satisfy your disgusting faces. So, I'll live. I'll kill as many of you as I can and live. I wonder if that face will remain the same afterward."

"You need my permission to live or die," GrizzlyDiamond replied in a low tone as his body erupted with monstrous ki no lesser than Ragnaf's.

The warriors' aura clashed before they even met, causing space to twist and distort from the sheer strength.

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